Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This could be relied on to throw up ‘ bad ’ as well as ‘ good ’ factors .
2 They could n't be relied on to cope with the situation and our safety at the same time .
3 The Doctor , the guy with the blue box , could normally be relied on to deal with problems of this magnitude , but on this occasion he had apparently failed to understand that Pool was made of human brains and was in any case crazy .
4 Ammonia is the toxic waste produced by the fish and this is initially bacterially broken down to nitrite in your filtration system .
5 Prospective studies of intervention have been confined mostly to comparison of one form of treatment with another .
6 Old Jimbo can still roll back the years and reach into his glorious past , and how he loved it as the crowd roared at every winning shot and then sang Happy Birthday as a giant cake was rolled on to court for him afterwards .
7 It could now be argued that the unity of wartime should be carried on to deal with peacemaking , demobilization and economic reconstruction .
8 There is another possibility that they have n't mentioned because the book has n't come on to deal with it yet , but you should know what it is .
9 Bags of coloured wools are pegged on to scaffolding near the machine and sample lengths of fabric and felted scarves are swagged about the place .
10 I do n't think I 've come down to earth since the day I met her . ’
11 I do n't know maybe it may just be come down to sort of the individual theatres I suppose
12 Tormented by allegations of adultery , draft evasion , and venality , he has limped through to victory with an empty campaign , crafted to avoid giving offence to anybody .
13 If the urban élites were largely won over to Christianity by about 430 , the masses had drifted into it even sooner .
14 Finally they are ambushed and taken prisoner by the enemy ( the former lager-louts risen from the dead and now wearing masks ) ; Hadfield goes catatonic with terror , and is solicitously carried off to re-education in the jungle .
15 The imagination of danger keeps us immersed in a story ; the adventurous court it in actual life ; the unadventurous relate with gusto how they were carried off to hospital with an undiagnosed and probably fatal illness , as a vivid patch in an otherwise uneventful life .
16 Some of the last-gasp attempts to save the Nationalist governments that were considered in Washington — with the wilder arpeggios such as encouraging the fragmentation of China or even , apparently , a series of punitive air strikes against the Chinese communists ( not to mention the sheer fantasy of creating ten new Chinese armies in six months ) — originated in the Far Eastern division of the State Department , and in fact the Administration , says Blum , had come close to re-intervention in the Chinese civil war on the mainland , but backed away at the last minute when it discovered that there was no viable force left to support .
17 Few Yek were happy at sea , and a ship-borne invasion of Y'frike years earlier had come close to failure at one point because the reinforcements delivered to its shores had been so weakened by the effects of their voyage .
18 Although Fletcher admitted that England have not come up to standard over the last three months , he also believes that a poor itinerary and a lack of turning pitches in English domestic cricket is largely to blame for the string of dismal performances .
19 While undergoing an operation his heart has stopped , but he has come back to life after having been declared dead and deposited in a coffin .
20 The father pleaded with the elder brother and tried to point out to him that it was only right to celebrate for it was as if the younger son had come back to life from the dead .
21 He told the doctors all about how my dad had come back to life in this grey cardigan and had told him the secrets of the universe .
22 In the hall one of the walls was given over entirely to a tiled picture of Christ displaying His Sacred Heart ; another depicted the Blessed Virgin being carried upwards to Heaven by a host of angels , and a third was of St Anthony holding a lily and looking tenderly down at the beholder .
23 A third child , aged only seven months , was lifted out to safety in a carry-cot .
24 A third child , aged only seven months , was lifted out to safety in a carry-cot .
25 Many experiments carried out to date at the individual level shed little light on the problem of complexity — since they typically place the subjects in very simple choice situations .
26 Following is a brief description of preliminary evaluation carried out to date in relation to these objectives :
27 So that he 'd be carried out to sea by the tide without coming to the surface . "
28 , there were of course two deaths , Piggy and Simon , the bodies of whom were carried out to sea by the current .
29 Unionists therefore looked forward to domination of the government : but this never happened .
30 The answer to the first of those three points is that the Home Secretary will shortly be publishing his promised and much looked forward to paper on criminal prevention .
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