Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The restoration of this historic fighter has been completed right down to the last detail , it carries a complete set of camera ports , although the cameras have not been fitted .
2 behind the antique shop , and we went along and had a look and at ten o'clock it had dropped right down to the second step from the bottom roughly
3 Both of them got out on the restaurant floor , but Pavel carried on down to the entrance lobby .
4 That 's where the blood leads by , okay , on that side of the heart the left hand side of the heart it 's being pumped and therefore the muscle is a bigger muscle , that 's doing the contracting , the blood push out and it relaxes back again and that allows the blood to be sucked back down into the heart , okay , and the next time it 's shh , that goes out and then it relaxes down again and the blood sucks back down into the heart , okay so that 's what it does , all the muscle can do is that , muscle can only retract and then it relaxes , contract and then it relaxes , that 's what the heart 's doing all the time , how many beats a minute ?
5 The wounded who seemed to have a chance of recovery were left on the jeeps and were sped off down through the village to the dressing stations on the other side of the River Orne .
6 Finally , even with Directly Managed Hospital Units the intention is that more funds will be devolved directly down to the Units .
7 Drawn slowly down into the cloud 's white ,
8 She did n't find it , but buried right down at the bottom she did find a tape cassette in a box .
9 Eventually she had slid wearily down beneath the cover and drifted off again .
10 Held close to the chest , the bundles are dragged backwards down into the chamber for the babes ( up to five in a litter ) to snuggle up into .
11 But the Globe burnt right down to the ground in an hour .
12 Straining away from him , gasping with tortured gratification , she found that it seemed the most natural thing in the world to her when she was swept up in his arms and carried through into the bedroom , to be laid gently down on the soft duvet .
13 The body has slipped slightly down into the bed , rucking the shroud at the waist and behind the right shoulder .
14 After delivering the kick , the foot must be pulled back very quickly and brought back down to the ground to leave the karateka in his original stance .
15 D'Arcy 's aircraft had nosed cautiously down through the dense , sluggish cloudcover which had kept the lid firmly on the sultry atmosphere of the city for the past week .
16 She almost argued with him , but his hand had slipped meaningfully down to the handle of his knife .
17 Extra hardcore is then rammed well down into the hole and the concrete replaced , using a mix of one part cement to two sand and three of 20mm gravel .
18 Simon has now cut right down on the amount of time he spend playing and has also undergone treatment from his doctor .
19 I spent a week on the rack , far away from home , constantly trying to achieve this extra margin which , I hardly need to point out , would have gone straight down to the bottom line and would have been shown as profit .
20 It was cold because something had gone wrong down in the castle 's boiler room .
21 If he swam the river , he would have to make his way upstream well beyond the yacht and within sight of the bridge or be swept back down by the current .
22 I 'd like to see this bloody place sunk right down under the sea . ’
23 Yet plunging cliffs , i.e. those whose profiles are continued straight down below the sea , are free from notches , benches and other forms of wave action .
24 The glasses and the bottle of wine were slammed back down on the bedside table and then his hand around her wrist was a shock .
25 An instruction from the minister is the final word within a department , an excerpt from the Cabinet minutes conveying the decision of a committee of the Cabinet or of the full Cabinet outranks all other orders and is the source of direction for all the policy decisions taken lower down in the government .
26 Despite the salutary scepticism of David Hume this scholastic convention has survived right down to the present day and is perhaps best explained by saying that when intellectuals who have the mental habits of university professors are invited to specify the distinguishing criteria of human beings they end up by producing a self-image of themselves .
27 Before spawning in this artfully arranged cave , this pair of C. labiatum had cleared right down to the undergravel plate .
28 Their digging has cleared right down to the gravel tidy — without it they would have rendered the undergravel filter quite useless .
29 At parts of the site where the rock was less than one and a half metres deep , in situ concrete was poured directly down onto the rock .
30 The river , suddenly materalizing , would have poured straight down into the streets , flooding everything , including the prison .
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