Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] so that we " in BNC.

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1 The Labour party wants application procedures to be speeded up so that we have a proper , fair and effective system that ensures that this country continues its long honourable tradition of providing asylum for refugees .
2 Well , clearly the revival thing has moved up so that we 're about to have Eighties revivals very soon .
3 Kleenex was handed round so that we could dry our hands and we settled together for coffee .
4 Erm but one of the things that we , that we will need to do is actually to review the overtime for the last three months to say okay , what 's it actually been spent on so that we can start to er make sure we 've identified the reasons for it .
5 Should n't targets always be set high so that we should have something to aim at ?
6 and it 's the main reason er that it 's been brought about so that we can look after the clients that we have er cos in the past tt erm er how did you come to get the business that you have with us ?
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