Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] from [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He has already stopped me from saving up for a large format SLR camera ; my trusty 35-mm model will do well enough for the closeups of butterflies and flowers that interest me .
2 ‘ The DoT has not given us definite promises and has discouraged us from expecting too much .
3 I interviewed him when he became First Sea Lord and on one or two other occasions , and I always slightly regretted that my commitment to current affairs had prevented me from taking up Associated Rediffusion 's offer to spend two years with him , at home and abroad , researching and scripting the thirteen programmes they were planning on his Life and Times — a task subsequently and admirably performed by John Terraine .
4 It did n't take much to persuade her to come and nothing would have prevented me from seeing precisely what it was that had turned my schoolfriend into what the Daily Express called ‘ a phenomena ’ .
5 The settlers had claimed legal ownership of the houses in October and had made efforts to move in to the Silwan sector at that time , but the police had prevented them from doing so after the Attorney General , Yosef Harish , had recommended that they be barred from the properties on security considerations .
6 On the other hand , similar statements of mine have never prevented you from writing back in the past .
7 He still does n't know the exact reason for the problem that kept him in care for a week — more tests are planned at the end of next month — and which has prevented him from going back to Stamford Bridge , where his coaching has transformed the fortunes of London 's Cinderella club .
8 Uniformity of policy throughout Europe would have prevented us from building up the strength of the City of London .
9 We 've got somebody from have n't we the printer
10 She also felt a commitment to those artists whose blatant and subjective rather than allegorical treatment of the subject matter may have excluded them from showing elsewhere .
11 You mean , have you kept me from going out ?
12 It had actually kept her from sleeping properly .
13 Dick had probably intended to toss it into the quarry , but it had fallen short and the weight of the handles had kept it from slipping over .
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