Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] in [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He was a young lawyer of about thirty in his first year in Parliament , who had sufficiently impressed someone in Government to have been given the job of Junior Minister at the Trade office .
2 Calls for Bakatin 's removal had been taken up on Dec. 1 by the Soyuz ( " Union " ) group of conservative deputies in the Congress , the very people who had nominated him in March to run against Gorbachev for the presidency .
3 ‘ Chris must have trusted him in order to hide the Grimoire there . ’
4 No doubt Luke would turn out to have good reason for breaking their date ; no doubt there was an equally good reason why he had n't rung her in person to apologise .
5 Potassium permanganate has the disadvantage of producing solid manganese dioxide during the process of oxidation which can cause blockages and importantly where any of the chlorinated oxidising agents are used care needs to be taken when phenolic contaminants are present as there have been instances of chlorophenols being formed which in turn produce most obnoxious odours sometimes toxic which are extremely difficult to break down .
6 Relatives who 've visited them in hospital say they are recovering .
7 I had seen them in Kano clutching their swords as they slept in shop doorways where they were employed as night-watchmen .
8 I could have stayed in London of course , eating my heart out for you as I have done ever since you put your head down on to your bread and butter here in this room and burst into tears ; but the combination of Christmas , and not having seen you in months drove me to a railway station and this morgue of a house .
9 I trust Cully Chatterton has not appropriated it in order to check out casino share prices . ’
10 Well , she 's done it in Gods go a'begging , using the same Watteau that we liked so much with the columns and the landscape in the background .
11 They 'd done it in Gaelic to cover up the vulgarity .
12 Because she had been fond of Simon in a sisterly way — as a much older sister — she had always taken it for granted that the affection he had shown her in return had been brotherly , with maybe a spot of heroine worship thrown in .
13 In general , however , I have had it in mind to try ( but not slavishly ) to compare and contrast the effects of war upon England and France , in the belief that this approach can provide a thought-provoking approach to the subject .
14 Further enlightenment is delayed until ( 11 ) , which at last explains how the interview came to take place at all ; but again , this information is postponed to the end of the main clause , in the relative clause " on which he had been invited which in turn contains a further relative clause " who happened to know … resident tutor " .
15 Later that year All-Star released The Jungle and a reviewer assured readers that the producing company had spared nothing in order to ensure that ‘ this picturization ’ would be equal to the novel .
16 It was clear to me that they had spared him in order to groom him for their own uses .
17 " Now , since you have n't found anyone in London to suit your taste , what about that nice West girl who 's always sighing over you ? "
18 After Macedonia 's Prime Minister-designate Peter Gosev had " returned the mandate " given him in July to form a new government , his party — the ( ex-communist ) Social Democratic Alliance of Macedonia — presented party leader Branko Crvenkovski as Prime Minister-designate on Aug. 13 .
19 While some have welcomed the jobs provided by these developments , others have opposed them in order to preserve existing landscapes or to further their own economic interests ( Newby 1979 ) .
20 And the question that had troubled him in Nairobi swelled , until he stopped the car , wound down the window and with a curious naivete called : ‘ Please tell me : why are the children here hungry ? ’
21 I realised that Harold had appointed him in order to maintain a keener watch on what the BBC was saying about people .
22 At some point in its development it has to create more organized political groups , or convert or capture existing political organizations , which are able to engage directly in a struggle for power and have the capacity to use power when they have gained it in order to reconstruct society .
23 Even if it is assumed that actual bodily harm has been inflicted in these circumstances , the defendant has inflicted it during intercourse but has not inflicted it in order to have or continue having sexual intercourse .
24 Antall , whose ill-health had forced him in October to leave the government leadership in the hands of Balazs Horváth , then Interior Minister , proposed Horváth as acting party vice-president .
25 Since 1979 the 12 European Community members have taken it in turn to spend an annual £70,000 on works of art .
26 He smuggled out a message saying he 'd discovered who in London had betrayed him and that he was going underground to escape .
27 For a long time , Emerson simply failed to sign the contracts which would have kept him in front-rank racing .
28 It is as if the dead person had killed themselves in order to get away and as a punishment .
29 In those days there existed another Methodist Society , known as the Primitive Methodists , and they had established themselves in Chiswick using a room in Devonshire Road , and working amongst the labouring classes of the community .
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