Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It had n't been registered so they 'd got , the police have got no way of tracing it .
2 Yes I 'd love to get rid of a lot of them but I 'm yo you have got two ongoing problems both of which need to be treated so I think to start er cutting things out could make you a lot worse .
3 No , he 's gone to a play at the college and a yeah I was er like when I realised that had come on I thought does he know ?
4 Er the destination has n't been decided yet I 've got two quotes that were , we have plenty of time to pick that , the buses are booked so we 've got the outings
5 Both of them were very good friends , and since their respective demises had come together they decided to start their own small company , specialising in the product they knew best — traditional , woven , good quality , Axminster carpets .
6 I mean in n things like swimming baths are chlorinated so they 've got a low bug count anyway , so , so you 'll be at low risk of getting anything there .
7 And you know you get carried away you start swearing do n't you ?
8 printer so that when he 's hived off he 's got some
9 ‘ Anyway , I did n't realise it was Lori you were protecting , which only goes to show how mixed up you 'd got me , until the note arrived telling me you had the jade .
10 It has n't been picked up you see has it ?
11 He always sort of backpedalled whenever he 'd exposed his feelings . ’
12 By " special constructions " we mean in particular cumulative lists of adjectives as in ( 12 ) , where , however , the order may be explained by the quite general if ill-defined tendency to leave " heavy " constituents to the latest possible point , as in ( 13 ) : ( 12 ) policies foreign , social and educational ( 13 ) that salesman has just come back who kept getting in the way when you were trying to vaccinate the ewes last week Postnominal associatives may also just possibly be admitted in constructions expressing sharp opposition : ( 14 ) scientists nuclear but not biological The latter type , however , is at best questionable ; and , as a good general rule , we may say that associative adjectives do not normally occur in postnominal position .
13 And now that you have come back I want to tell you that .
14 Had he forgotten how they 'd parted just a few hours earlier ?
15 But I had not forgotten how she had lied , and behaved so badly to me as well as to Edgar Linton , so I did not feel sorry for her , or encourage her to talk .
16 He had long forgotten how he had despised the old man for being mean and ignorant .
17 She 's she 's looked then she 's taken her eyes off the back .
18 inadequately educated persons er , view of what it is to be well educated i.e. we 've got to comment on the spelling as if it were important
19 WATCHING JOHN McEnroe rant at a line judge recently , I was reminded why I like drinking Armagnac .
20 Kate had been so busy looking around the room that she 'd rather forgotten why they had entered it in the first place .
21 She had forgotten why she had come down to the garden in the first place .
22 When they 'd moved in he 'd made a point of telling just about everybody where it was and how much it was costing — wincing a little at the same time , as if he were telling the story against himself and his own folly — but it had become a sterile kind of heaven , and he sat around in it like some forgotten angel .
23 Small world then , life 's I mean erm , child seat , there was one child seat in that was strapped to the and erm there was erm the , the other car seats in the front of the not strapped in I had to hurry up and put them in the back , cos I was running a bit late I was running a bit late anyway .
24 I came down when my husband was working on the factory site then as I say , prior to us coming to live here this was had n't been even built so we 've seen it grow from the floor to what it is today , you know ?
25 As large cities , like Bristol , have grown outwards they have surrounded some old villages .
26 Some people who comply well with all that is suggested to them may have done little more than comply ( incidentally , much of the " normal " first year of recovery is reckoned to be little more than compliance ) and think erroneously after a few weeks of treatment that they have learnt all they need to know and have done all they need to do to remain free from addictive disease .
27 ‘ We 've done all we needed to do , spent a heck of a lot more than we 'd planned . ’
28 In two modern cases , however , it has been held that so long as the donor has done all he needs to do , the beneficial interest passes from him to the donee .
29 We got the Gilbey bar but I no the answer to that question would be if any company or org organisation was prepared or wished to talk about funding the theatre in any way and I think were 'd be more than welcome to sit down with and talk them and say well how would you perceive that which way would you like to go about it how can we assist that and I think we 're be open to suggestions from them how they see it I mean you know it could be seats it could be programmes it could be any any arrange of things that we 'd certainly welcome who approach us from companies but we I think we are pro-active in sense that we do n't wait for that to happen we actually go out but was said early I think given the recession it has been difficult lately to actually go out to companies and say I mean sure companies like the Harlow Council find it extremely finance the finances extremely difficult on them and with the recession it 's really difficult for them to actually find funding and I know lot 's of companies who actually cutting back on it certain areas I think funding of oth outside organisations will be one of the areas they 'll be cutting back on .
30 you could n't do it , but he had every opportunity the other , the twin did to get through you know and he passed his City and Guilds , but Peter 's got on alright , the other son who 's got the factory , he 's , he 's busy got an electrical panels and all that he does , you know , he 's quite good and my other son he works , he used to work at Burnt Mill , and he now has moved to erm er Stansted , he works at Stansted he works in the big food depot , that used to be years ago and he works there , he 's been there ever since he left school , since except two , two years he had in the army you know for the conscription , but he 's been there erm ever since he was fourteen and he 's now about oh , forty something now he is , I 'm not quite sure of their ages , I get muddled up I 've got , eight , eight sons altogether , so , I 've got quite a family dear .
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