Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [conj] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The formula is given below and her conclusions where applicable are followed here .
2 There are many tales of madness overcoming travellers whose cars have broken down or whose camels have died .
3 Sarella , half in and half out of the jeep , had frozen suddenly as her eyes met those of her host .
4 His tears had frozen so that his cheeks and eyes continued to gleam with ice .
5 Just to finish up colleagues this should not be seen as a willingness for local authority workers to give up their jobs , but it needs to be sorted so that our brothers and sisters who are forced into redundancy receive fair recompense for their loss .
6 In principle these could mix to some extent , but in practice they can be considered separately as their energies must be very different .
7 Trousers , she now realised , were so designed not because their wearers had funny legs but because men were constantly worried that an essential part of themselves might have gone missing .
8 The bishop of Carlisle was so impoverished by Scottish raids — his goods being carried off and his fields left uncultivated — that he petitioned the pope for licence to appropriate Horncastle church , in Lincoln diocese , for his relief .
9 The responses we received to the consultation document were considered carefully and my officials discussed the issues raised with the auditing practices board and with other interested parties in the regulated sectors .
10 Sally with her slaves rolled up and her hands black with ashes from the dead fire .
11 He had his shirtsleeves rolled up and his arms folded like piled-up hocks of ham .
12 His department is to be wound up and its responsibilities divided between an expanded DTI and Environment .
13 Not only did farms become larger and more specialized , but village craftsmen — millers , blacksmiths , carpenters , wheelwrights , bakers , and cobblers — were squeezed out as their trades were concentrated in the towns .
14 The stag 's eyes were rolled back and its nostrils were clotted with blood .
15 He remembered how the fish lay gaping on its bed of newspaper , the flesh dark-red and subtly ribbed where it was split in half , and Yvonne with her sleeves rolled back and her wrists dipped in blood that smelt of tin .
16 Difficulties arise however in deciding how this should be carried out and which events are CPD worthy .
17 The counter-argument is that peaceful protest is one thing but violent protest crosses the boundaries of acceptability ; the value of physical integrity is such that violence and threats of violence ought not to be downgraded simply because their origins lie in some political protest .
18 The same fate befell the likes of Alan Hudson , Rodney Marsh , Tony Currie and Charlie George — all of whom were discarded even before their qualities were allowed to flourish at the highest level .
19 At its most general , this view implies that the present perilous state of the world has not come about because its leaders ( or shadowy figures supposedly manipulating them ) are particularly warlike .
20 The church was acting on behalf of all , and had a prime obligation to push for a public morality which matched its perception of the natural law lest the very fabric of society be torn asunder and its members cast on the road of moral decline .
21 I could hardly breathe by the time I got there ; my chest felt as if it was bursting and my throat was clenched tight and my legs were quivering again .
22 In many cases they have done so because their goods , produced outside the Community , have been regarded as unfair competition and have attracted anti-dumping duties designed to make them more expensive and therefore less competitive .
23 Note that the supporting leg is twisted so that your hips face 120° away from a forward-facing position .
24 Violet Needham was by then sixty-three , but for the next eighteen years she produced on average a book a year ; not until she was eighty-one did her last book , The Sword of St Cyprian , have to be turned down because her powers were failing .
25 So my head was pushed down and my arms pulled behind my back .
26 He was filmed on the security video as he was turned away after his friends had got in .
27 That blandly papered over the facts that Britain 's share of world trade had steadily declined , its prices had risen more and its exports less than those of its ex-enemies , the Germans and the Italians .
28 Then I felt my sleeve being tugged downwards and my feet swept from under me and suddenly I was lying next to Werewolf .
29 your plans made up and your meals laid on .
30 He found little but evidence of a funeral pyre , and his impression was that a person of importance was cremated here and his ashes carried home to Rome .
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