Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] some [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst I have said 2 years as the expected time to be collecting Community Charge I think this should be qualified with 2 years plus , with income being received for some considerable time thereafter especially through Sheriff Officers .
2 I think , she remembered , as he walked a little behind her , it was a title received for some public work or other … .
3 But this is so only where the fence etc. was erected with reference to the highway and would probably not apply where the fence was erected for some other reason ( A.G. v Beynon , [ 1969 ] 2 All ER 263 ) .
4 Video 8 , with its inability to dub audio separately , inserts both new pictures and sound , the latter being whatever was being picked up by the camcorder 's microphone while the title was being recorded — unless you have arranged for some other sound to be fed onto the tape !
5 Similarly , tenements given for maintaining a chantry or lights in some church or chapel , or given for some other alms , if they were alienated , were also to be recoverable by the donor or his heirs .
6 Certain drugs given for some other disorder may cause temporary impotence , so that is something to check with the doctor .
7 Its proper specification has only been given for some simple cases .
8 " But she 's probably fallen for some dashing Italian by now , Matthew added .
9 McKellar 's subjects " … quite frequently likened the images to lantern slides … " and furthermore their unrelatedness both to current preoccupations and to each other made them seem like a series of lecturer 's slides which had not only " … been mixed up but were really intended for some other lecture " .
10 If you are dismissed for some other reason unconnected with redundancy , you will have to consider whether the circumstances justify an unfair dismissal claim .
11 The cut where the wing had been severed was quite clean , and the blood had dried up , so she concluded that the poor bird must have flown through some overhead wires in the vicinity during the severe gales we 'd had the night before .
12 The notion of fact is apt to cause difficulties only if facts are treated as some special species of existences .
13 Mo may just not care what gets said about the Company — it 's all the new team now — as long as he is n't caught saying it himself And if he gas blamed for some dirty work that got started fifteen years ago — and I doubt he was directly responsible ; he was too senior then — how much does it hurt him now ?
14 If Vecchi was the imitation hospital attendant , then he was booked for some free electricity at the State 's expense .
15 The major field monuments , which are better documented , almost certainly provided the foci in the landscape , around which such subsistence settlements would have been placed and to which they would have looked for some specialised goods and services .
16 This draft response indicates which DTAC responses he has taken into account , and any member whose DTAC 's response has arrived late or has been omitted for some other reason can ensure that relevant points are not missed .
17 There have been better hold-down devices of a home-made nature in Woodworker in the past — the best of them doubtless designed after some careful thoughts about an acceptable specification .
18 ‘ I arrived at work one Monday to find the roof had collapsed following some heavy rain , ’ she explained .
19 He hugged her tightly , unburdened of some inner horror , suddenly carefree .
20 And I think that the alternative of the new settlement is by far the best solution , provided it is mixed with some peripheral development , one ca n't go into a position where there is all peripheral development or all new settlement , it has to be in perfect balance , because some needs can not of course be met by the new settlement .
21 And if calories are a bit of a worry , you can try making a sauce from a dash of rum mixed with some low-fat yoghurt .
22 Cut the Ciabatta in half leaving a hinge on one side , spread cut surfaces with the tomato puree mixed with some olive oil .
23 The records can be compressed into some other range such as 250 000 by repetitive subtraction of 250 000 , and the method usually gives very good randomization .
24 In Caithness there are many upright monoliths from the Bronze Age , some standing alone , others in patterns suffused with some ancient significance .
25 The centrepiece — a precooked gammon — is given luxury treatment with a crunchy nut glaze , and the boned turkey is crammed with ready-made stuffing embellished with some tasty extras .
26 His voice was thickly clogged with some primitive emotion she assumed was rage .
27 Just a small bowl , about the size of a teacup ; made of a dull pewterish metal , leaf-thin with age ; decorated with some worn beading round the rim , and on the sides a formal pattern of entwining lines .
28 The band ( all sons of Gabby Pahinui , the late folk hero and master of Hawaiian slack-key guitar who contributed to Cooder 's ‘ Chicken Skin Music ’ back in 1975 ) have put together a collection of traditional songs interspersed with some surprising covers , including Lennon 's Jealous Guy and Steve Earle 's My Old Friend The Blues .
29 There are many interesting walks around Lockington and from vantage points the pantiled roofs of the village interspersed with some ancient trees ( alas , many have succumbed to Dutch elm disease ) provide a delightful panorama .
30 The area from which the working-class housewives come is an area of mixed housing in which rented flats and rooms are interspersed with some owner-occupied dwellings .
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