Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In that period of time we 'd have dropped from being the largest and preferred supplier to a minority supplier
2 The issue was expected to be the major obstacle to any agreement being reached .
3 A BACK-TO-BASICS drive for Scottish pupils is expected to be the key influence in a ministerial review of the new school curriculum .
4 Due to injury the brothers will be unavailable to participate in what is expected to be the largest inland dinghy championship in Ireland for several years — the Heineken GP14 Inland Championship at Lough Erne .
5 The Dutch are widely expected to be the first to try it .
6 A light air genoa is expected to be the first to be tested over the next few days .
7 It runs both Solaris 1.1 and 2.1 and is expected to be the first of a family of products .
8 It runs both Solaris 1.1 and 2.1 and is expected to be the first of a family of products .
9 Carriers are expected to be the first users of the interface since it will significantly reduce the cost of building a new Frame Relay network or of extending an existing Frame Relay network .
10 And , rather than allow Eldorado to be a drain on the Corporation for years to come , the show is expected to be the first on his hit list .
11 This is expected to be the first of many similar cases to come to light as local councils draw up registers of contaminated land under the Environmental Protection Act .
12 The UK had been expected to be the second largest customer for the NFR90 , after the USA .
13 Professor Anthony Kay describes a case in which the council avoided investigating what many would have expected to be the central issue — was the accused doctor offering a treatment that could undoubtedly do harm but for which there was no scientific evidence of benefit ?
14 The expenditure negotiations this autumn are expected to be the toughest for many years .
15 The world grain harvest during 1992 is expected to be the lowest for five years at 686 pounds per person .
16 Rechargeable batteries are expected to be the fastest-growing sector in the market during the Nineties .
17 British high jump record holder Steve Smith is expected to be the chief guest at the Liverpool and District Catholic Schools prize presentation in the Philharmonic Hall on November 22 .
18 Those who attempted to manage the political affairs of a county or district of burghs had not only to contribute towards any public project in their area , they were expected to be the leading subscribers , and it mattered little whether or not they agreed with the project in view .
19 Mitsubishi is expected to be the next Japanese company to begin car manufacture in Europe following in the footsteps of Nissan , Toyota and Honda .
20 Skincare , including cleansers and moisturisers , are expected to be the next big growth area .
21 Computer-based training is expected to be the biggest professional market for multimedia in the near future .
22 IN exactly 12 months time Dublin will stage the International Golden Oldies festival when 6,000 of the seer and mellow generation will furnish teams for what is expected to be the biggest celebration yet .
23 With annual sales worth four billion pounds , the British lottery is expected to be the biggest in the world .
24 This implies a dramatic shift in Moscow 's non-committal stance on the Western allies ' 1987 Berlin Initiative , which is expected to be the main subject of today 's talks .
25 The new party was expected to be the main opposition grouping in the colony 's reformed legislature , which was to have almost a third of its members chosen by general election [ see p. 37248 ] .
26 Further discussion on the proposal will be deferred until the 1993 meeting , when it is expected to be the main focus of environmental lobbying .
27 RIG owners are expected to be the main losers from oil tax changes announced in the Budget , according to a study issued yesterday by the Edinburgh energy consultants , Wood Mackenzie .
28 Local authority general services — mainly district functions like refuse collection and disposal , recreation , tourism and the countryside , as well as functions shared with regions like industrial development — are expected to be the main beneficiaries of the extra money from the EC .
29 Chancellor Norman Lamont is expected to be the big loser in a reshuffle with either Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke or Transport Secretary John MacGregor favourites to take over .
30 A 90-YEAR-OLD three-quarter from Japan is expected to be the oldest player on view in an international Golden Oldies rugby festival in Dublin later this month .
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