Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pron] two [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Some girls I knew had arranged for their two penfriends to meet me at the Gare du Nord and , somehow , we recognised one another .
2 He maintained his strong links with the world of the deaf formed during his two years at the Institution by getting together with Matthew Burns , q.v. , and Alexander Blackwood to start Sunday services for the deaf of Edinburgh in June 1830 .
3 The association with Fahreddin Acemi of the only information in the Turkish sources about the activities of the early Muftis may well not be entirely coincidental , for in one very important respect he seems to have differed from his two predecessors in the traditional list , Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan , in that he appears not to have held a kadilik simultaneously with the Muftilik , whereas Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan apparently both held the kadilik of Bursa at the same time as the Muftilik .
4 It was an affliction rather than a gift , and I was to be healed of it two years later by what I believe was the power of Christ .
5 Her misery was made complete because she was separated from her two sons who were flying first class .
6 I think the inde independent corroboration for actuaries was another important factor , custody confirmation by the auditors , veto of transfer of assets , independent auditors for pension funds , independent custodian arrangements , in-house investment management , you made some comments , co-ordination of the various regulators , co-ordination of the professional advisers , establishment of the Pension Tribunal , you know now as far as I was concerned on on my sort of looking through it , those were all recommendations that that you have made over your two years and I could n't really find any response to those in Good , and I think that 's er you know we we personally found that disappointing .
7 I think the inde independent corroboration for actuaries was another important factor , custody confirmation by the auditors , veto of transfer of assets , independent auditors for pension funds , independent custodian arrangements , in-house investment management , you made some comments , co-ordination or the various regulators , co-ordination of the professional advisors , establishment of a pension tribunal , you know , now as far as I was concerned or on my sort of looking through it , those were all recommendations that , that you 've made over your two years and I could n't really find any response to those in Good and I think that 's a you know we , we personally found that disappointing .
8 The invaders assembled at Stornoway were now divided by a bitter quarrel over whether or not they should move on to the mainland , only ended when one of the Earl Marischal 's supposed subordinates , William Murray , Marquis of Tullibardine , suddenly produced a commission granted to him two years before by James which appointed him Commander-in-Chief of all his forces in Scotland .
9 The next morning the national papers continued to dig into the background of The Fox , especially his sex life as revealed by his two wives .
10 His well rounded performance ( in more ways than one ) established his rascally nature and was matched by his two henchmen Michael Hunt and Peter Walker .
11 Between the noise of the bloody guns and clouds of bloody mosquitoes buzzing around my head , all I 've had for my two hours is more mosquito lumps on my face , and I 'm more tired than ever. , Taff and I chatted while he sat on the floor of the trench smoking his cigarette .
12 Knives were drawn during his two years with PSV in Holland .
13 There was an initial suspicion that this poison had been ingested by our two patients .
14 Were we able to exhume the body of the Earl of Moira then we would see an example of John Hunter 's technique , as performed by his two assistants John Doratt and Everard Hone .
15 Norway 's suspicions were soon set aside , and the country joined with its two neighbours in setting up a Nordic Council in 1952 .
16 ZANY comedian Freddie Starr ( right ) , has called off his two concerts in Londonderry next month .
17 In 1469 , King Louis XI of France conferred with King Henry IV of Castile here ; in 1526 the captive King Francis I was exchanged for his two sons , who stood in for him as hostages with his great enemy , the Emperor Charles V ; in 1659 , the Peace of the Pyrenees between France and Spain was negotiated on the island ; and a year later , the contract of marriage was signed which consolidated that epoch-making treaty , between Louis XIV and the Infant a ( it was while helping to decorate the Spanish pavilion for the occasion that the painter Velázquez is said to have caught his death of cold ) .
18 And Fand did n't try to counter-attack , only parrying again and again with the shaft of her spear , gripped in her two hands .
19 Sewell 's perky and attractive character was always apparent and it was also demonstrated by his two pairs of First Division goals — scored , one may add , at a time when Palace goals were really at a premium .
20 She had brought with her two friends , Giselle and Rodney , also prize idiots .
21 His most recent summer holidays were spent with his two sons walking in the central Pyrenees : ‘ It was quite gruelling . ’
22 I could n't bring myself to believe it , and after I had visited Cooper in Maidstone Prison and McMahon in Long Lartin Prison and spoken to their two solicitors , Gareth Peirce for Cooper and Wendy Mantle for McMahon , as well as to Tom Sargant , the secretary of JUSTICE , who had also taken up the case , I was convinced that they were as innocent of the Luton murder as I was .
23 She had been divorced by her two husbands , deserted by her last lover , and considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked .
24 But its tone was really set by its two paintings : both nudes , girls in sunlit interiors , pinks , reds , greens , honeys , ambers ; all light , warmth , glowing like yellow fires with life , humanity , domesticity , sexuality , Mediterraneity .
25 Even if the catechisms of ‘ correct thought ’ are updated and find new roots , and old upbeat endings are set to more popular and contemporary tunes , they will not be able to generate the more intricate models or maps which are required to confront successfully the types of racism which are evidenced by our two transcripts .
26 Today Mrs Letts was accompanied by her two sons Martin and Stuart .
27 Today Mrs Letts was accompanied by her two sons Martin and Stuart .
28 In April 1905 , the wife of a lock-keeper in the canal near the Potomac River at Great Falls made a trip in her rowing boat across the river to the Virginia shore accompanied by her two dogs .
29 Crack German soccer squad sponsored by our two friends
30 Each stetch was limited on its two sides by water-cuts or deep furrows that made easy the escape of surface water from the soil ; and in fact the main purpose of ploughing in stetches was — and still is , where stetches continue to be used — to ensure effective draining of the land .
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