Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some papers later reported that he had stopped for tea at the Ritz but this unlikely frivolity was angrily and officially denied .
2 The plaintiffs registered as guests at the defendant hotel .
3 Public policy plays a part in a number of these decisions and a student could be forgiven for confusion at the complexity of the area and the number of legal doctrines used .
4 The disclosure by the state and defence departments came as United Nations officials in Sarajevo announced that Serb militiamen had allowed a ten-truck UN relief convoy , halted for days at a checkpoint in eastern Bosnia , to continue towards the encircled town of Gorazde .
5 United Nations officials in Sarajevo said Serb militiamen had allowed a ten-truck UN relief convoy , halted for days at a checkpoint in eastern Bosnia , to continue towards the encircled town of Gorazde .
6 The belief underlying such proposals is that many older people are only referred for treatment at a late stage of dependency when treatment is less effective and more expensive .
7 The tanker driver was treated for shock at the scene , but was uninjured .
8 The main issue here is " possession for supply " and it is sufficient if the goods are in a stock room so that , in effect , they do not have to be exposed for supply at the business premises of the supplier ( Stainthorpe v Bailey [ 1980 ] RTR 7 ) .
9 Viscosity varies greatly with temperature and the table of timings provided is calculated for analysis at the standardized temperature of 20°C .
10 The attendance of a member at a meeting of a committee or subcommittee of the local authority is regarded as attendance at a meeting of the authority , but attendance at a meeting of a joint committee , joint board or other body will only count as attendance at a meeting of the authority when any functions of the local authority have been transferred or delegated to those bodies .
11 The reconciliation procedure was designed for use at the end of the budgetary process , but the Reaganites manoeuvred to attach reconciliation instructions to budget resolutions at the beginning .
12 The error , if such it was , was an honest error of judgment , but Classic Cinemas Ltd were committed for trial at the Old Bailey to determine whether the film itself was indeed grossly indecent .
13 In recent years , there has been a dramatic increase , amounting to a veritable explosion , in both the number and proportion of defendants who are committed for trial at the Crown Court in respect of triable either way offences .
14 Over the same period of time the number of defendants committed for trial at the Crown Court who were remanded in custody also increased from around 13,000 to 21,000 ( having been as high as 24,000 in 1997 ) .
15 Since almost half of the untried prison population ( 44 per cent ) consists of defendants committed for trial at the Crown Court , it can be seen that the committals explosion is the central contributor to the growing remand problem , which in turn is a major cause of the overall prison numbers crisis .
16 Today 59 year old Ronald Godfrey was committed for trial at the Crown Court .
17 If any modules have been nominated for deletion at the end of a MINTEG run then the LIFESPAN manager and managers of any modules nominated are sent mail messages reporting on the nominations for deletion .
18 ‘ We 've given ourselves a chance to finish in the top three , a tremendous achievement for a team that was tipped for relegation at the start of the season .
19 Is the outcome of 1917 explicable in terms of a relatively backward country being caught off balance at a critical moment in its development by the contingencies of international relations ?
20 Reserves can be substituted between rounds at the discretion of the team coach .
21 An air rifle was later recovered from the scene and a man has been reported for summons at a later date .
22 Table II shows the perinatal mortality rates for each of the four categories of perinatal death among women who were booked for delivery at a general practitioner unit .
23 ( vii ) In every case it is made clear to the prisoner from the information supplied to him that he may not be recommended for release at the end of his tariff period at the first or any subsequent review .
24 Sickness benefit is payable for up to twenty-eight weeks if a person is incapacitated for work at the rate of£33.20 a week , together with £20.55 for an adult dependant .
25 A significant delay in the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement ( Nafta ) , to create a free trade area stretching from Canada to Mexico [ see pp. 37849 ; 38140 ] , was expected following talks at the US presidential retreat at Camp David on Dec. 14 between President Carlos Salinas de Gortari and United States President Bush .
26 I am assailed with feelings of irritation mixed with amusement at the number of pilots who , despite cheerfully paying many hundreds if not thousands of pounds on their chosen hobby , carp on about having to fork out three or four quid over the odds in selected landing fees , or as in the case of correspondent K. Foster £46 for a medical combined with an ECG .
27 ‘ What was it , McAllister ? ’ he said , his voice hardly recognisable , love mixed with anger at the wretch who had violated her .
28 Equal numbers of TC-fresh LC and TC-cultured LC ( 5x10 4 per well ) were added into wells at the initiation of the binding assay .
29 The three of them dissolved into laughter at the idea of it , and Ianthe went to make some more coffee .
30 Social snobbery and showy excellence come into play at the Tate Gallery London , where the exhibition of The Swagger Portrait focuses on the aesthetic excesses of English Grand Manner portraiture .
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