Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun] and we " in BNC.

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1 You can not talk about regeneration of of an economy or or s sustained economy , er it is one added to agenda and we will have to prepare to let the economy just over the border at Heathrow fade away and give it to another country .
2 A third of this accommodation has already been let to Deminex and we have also extended and upgraded our premises at East Tullos at a cost of £500,000 to support a new long-term contract with Enterprise Oil .
3 They are a lovely family devastated by terrorism and we , as detectives , feel that our efforts and our knowledge of who are involved in these despicable acts are not reflected in convictions .
4 For instance , we raised enough money for the materials to build a decent house for a single mother who was living in a hut made of cardboard and we all worked together on the construction .
5 The couple were deluged with rice and we all walked back to the bride 's parental home afterwards .
6 These have all featured in GH and we 'll be keeping you informed of any new developments .
7 ‘ Clearly there is an opportunity for us to grow in Europe as more and more of the automobile is made from plastic and we can pick up a fairly good part of the business ’ , Hobor said .
8 We 're hoping and I 'm crossing my fingers here , that we 'll get in excess of five thousand people there and the interesting thing is we 've got a commercial exhibition at it , to give it a flavour of Scotland where people will show all the good things made in Scotland and we 're calling it the taste and touch of Scotland and hopefully that will offset the cost of all the other , other er stalls and things that we 're holding .
9 Sheena and Howard have since moved to Somerset and we wish them every happiness in their new home .
10 The ultimate decision will be made by parents and we look forward to hearing what they have to say . ’
11 Er er , I 've , er I just I 'm just saying that , er , that , that last year er , when I made a few remarks that they were misquoted by Reuters and we did leave the meeting and the share price dropped by er , several P and we had to send out a correcting statement so this year we 've taken the precaution of issuing a press release er , at the same time as er , er , I 'm making these remarks so I hope at least they wo n't be misinterpreted .
12 ‘ At present there are around 3m households supplied with hampers and we are steadily increasing our share .
13 A senior executive at Jardine Matheson , Hong Kong Land 's parent , said : ‘ We have not talked to Olympia and we have no intention of doing so . ’
14 He ( she ? ) — I never can tell with cats ) is obviously used to people and we think he must have a home somewhere , but he 's always absolutely ravenous , and we ca n't refuse him food .
15 He did not breathe spontaneously and died in a pulmonary W with lungs filled with water and we ca n't exclude that the reason for that was just the water bath .
16 My priority is to get rid of discrimination and we shall have to find out which of the various possibilities will be the best alternative to that which is now proposed .
17 Our company is based on sound and we stand or fall on it ; since the introduction of Smooth Tubes we have never been busier and it is insulting and naive to suggest our success is based on a few LEDs .
18 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
19 If we do not use these medications properly then it can only be a matter of time before they are withdrawn from availability and we lose a precious treatment for our fish .
20 ‘ Fighting ships that were disguised as merchant vessels were known as Q-ships and we 've just done a straight lift from there , ’ she said .
21 Eventually the yacht 's crew was arrested near Bristol and we unloaded the yacht in their absence , taking off twenty four cases of whisky during a hilarious evening operation involving our respective motor boats to ferry the goods back to Poole Quay .
22 There was a second ground of appeal concerned with a point of mixed law and fact but this was abandoned by counsel and we need say no more about it .
23 ‘ Manuals were given to staff and we then had to encourage them to work to these procedures in preparation for our own internal quality audit .
24 Our house has increased in value and we feel lucky that we 're not affected by the slump in the housing market .
25 Catesby and Melford have gone to Nottingham and we can always establish what day they arrived there .
26 In between projects allowing such personal statements as this , of course , Jordan has also worked increasingly in Hollywood , where he 's so far seen High Spirits cut to shreds and We 're No Angels ignored .
27 Nearby , alum has been worked for centuries and we could still see the remains of the old landing stage where little coasters brought brimming vats of urine from London , which was mixed with the local mineral to produce dyestuff fasteners for textiles .
28 He says thousands of families have already been thrown into chaos and we 've had the first suicide as a result of the operations of the Child Support Agency .
29 ‘ Ten men were taken into custody and we require … ’ he turned the pages without haste ‘ … thirty-five sheets of paper covered with reasons and thirty signatures from four different police authorities .
30 This was a session packed with facts as well as emotion and delivered with skill and we are all grateful to Mr Dodge who supports the BIE so loyally and in so many ways .
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