Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nipples do n't twinkle — you must have fallen asleep looking at the fairy lights on the Christmas tree , ’ she scoffed .
2 Sandison had not intended this to sound like a jibe but it did .
3 I have often heard this said as a last-ditch attempt by adults to find consolation or uplift from a dreich church service or one in which the sermon was the dominant factor and was long-winded or incomprehensible or both .
4 The current culture at British Rail seems to be — and I have heard this said by the chief executive — that freight is not time-sensitive .
5 It is reasonable to assume , therefore , that there would be a residue of canine stock , who for one reason or another would be deemed unsuitable to die for the perverted pleasure of the gloating Roman nobility .
6 Naturally enough , it had been deemed impractical to legislate against the women themselves .
7 Will my right hon. Friend explain to a simple fellow like me why it is considered sensible to return to a system of socialist taxation based on the capital value of an asset that produces no income and that is unrelated to the services for which the occupant is paying and to the income of the occupant , this asset being normally called a home ?
8 As might be expected this resulted in the reduction rather than the elimination of disparities between the samples , some of the problems being discussed below .
9 The match hinged on the morning foursomes , which Gloucester edged 3-2 when Dorset had looked set to lunch in the lead .
10 Where we might have expected these to vary in the same direction as the specialist team 's , they in fact exhibit a different set of distinctions , particularly in the high rate of service provision and the trend towards maintaining cases as live .
11 Furthermore , against the difficulties of selecting for new materials can be added those relating to a vast retrospective choice .
12 Fujimori 's " reservations " on 41 articles of the bill had included those relating to the expenses of Congress which , he argued , should also " comply with the principles of austerity " .
13 Zeta 's Lad , who has won five chases in a row this season , certainly looks the part and although he is no ‘ good thing ’ I feel he has the form to win the race given a clear round .
14 I suppose I have agreed to run the grocery stall , she thought , and with annoyance , for she always ran the grocery stall and tonight she had come determined to ask for a change .
15 In Tirgu Mures , the HDUR candidate for mayor had been deemed ineligible to stand by a local court ; the party then supported an independent candidate , who won the election but then resigned after revelations that his nomination papers were irregular .
16 If it is considered necessary to write to the police abroad then for EEC claims this will be done by the branches or handling agents and for the rest the file must be sent to H O Claims .
17 He was glad to see him , for he knew him for a tough , sturdy fellow , who was considered certain to get into the Owsla as soon as he reached full weight .
18 It is only then that they will be deemed ready to report to the flying squadron .
19 When a child is considered ready to transfer from the Institute to a regular school : —
20 The team began experimenting there in December ‘ 88 and by the end of January it was felt right to go for a public launch on Palm Sunday ‘ 89 with attendant door to door visiting with invitations , and publicity to the press and media .
21 What this illustrates is that , notwithstanding the progress made in the past two years , the reforms in themselves have done little to compensate for the long term underfunding of the NHS .
22 He 'd seen that done in a film and had always wondered how it might feel .
23 How often I had seen that pinching of the skin !
24 ‘ Have you ever seen 300 scored in a Test ? ’ asked the Butcher 's Assistant .
25 I got a higher figure than Jim because I was I ca n't believe , believe this either th th the officer that , that , that , done this say to the , the , that 's the figures that have produced then they 're completely wrong and I can tell
26 While the focus of our endeavour must necessarily be the degree to which the project has achieved its own stated objectives , the evaluators have felt free to go beyond the limits which those objectives described .
27 Ahmed liked to be laughed at , but he was a peasant and Nour was , in his own estimation , a prince and I was of an English generation which would have felt free to laugh at the Grand Turk if it had been so inclined .
28 Do not administer anaesthetics ( ie MS222 ) unless you have first seen this done by a qualified person .
29 To be honest I have never seen this happen in a community tank , where as Neon tetras will even spawn in this environment .
30 I 've already done some checking with the Luftwaffe .
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