Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 The deal , announced by Mr Major in the Commons last week , is designed to answer Labour accusations that his six-month EC presidency has done nothing for jobs .
2 Hyperbolic paraboloids can be grouped to form undulating shells that present a continuous waveform .
3 The Swedish Prime Minister , Carl Bildt , justly complained that ‘ membership has unspecified potential obligations ’ , and that Sweden thus could not be expected to make binding assurances that she would participate in a common defence policy which has not yet been defined .
4 The words and such further ancillary rights that arise under the general law or by necessary implication should be included and could be expanded to include ancillary rights that arise by necessity
5 No attempt has been made to choose worthwhile bars that can be visited for a coffee break en route .
6 Different indices represent the ingenuity with which the theoretical constructs can be made to produce satisfactory elaborations that result in different indices and , equally important , the extent to which different indices can , plausibly , be said to measure the same concept .
7 Various strategies are developed to handle potential conflicts that can not be overcome because people keep meeting each other .
8 Second , the small congregation at St Barnabas ' , of some fifteen , that were to be ‘ moved in on ’ had had to accept radical changes that were presented to them prior to the move for their agreement .
9 A larger lexicon provides a greater coverage of English and therefore can be used to provide indexed definitions that are more representative of their verbal originals .
10 The pilot study helped identify specific areas that restricted my practice and therefore limited my effectiveness
11 With a central lawn and borders around the edge , this garden would have lacked character , but internal hedges and a patio overhead had been used to create distinct areas that can be explored like the rooms of a house , each with a new mood and style .
12 The circumstances of Gray 's resignation helped to fuel long-standing allegations that the financial and private affairs of elected black officials were routinely investigated with greater vigour than those of their white colleagues .
13 In addition , we have mapped regions responsible for the rhombomeric expression of Hox-B2 in r4 and second arch neural crest ( M.H.S. et al. , unpublished ) , and produced lacZ transgenic lines that reflect the endogenous patterns of Krox-20 expression in hindbrain segmentation .
14 This has tended to reinforce dominant assumptions that employment is of lesser importance to young women because they will only get married and have children later and consequently that young women were of lesser importance to the sociologist .
15 As we have already seen , he noted that positivist criminology had tended to propose causal variables that were difficult , if not impossible to manipulate .
16 Languages such as C , Cobol , Pascal and Fortran can also be used to develop SQL-based applications that read and update Image/SQL data .
17 But she 's been approached by the gutter press to sell her story of her life with me and I 've had to intercept certain envelopes that have been sent in .
18 In much the same way implicit or explicit models for describing the evolution of stream channels or drainage basins commonly are used to make simplifying assumptions that eliminate considerations of time , history and sometimes even progressive change . ’
19 He has been known to buy entire collections that please him , as he did some time ago with the modern Italian co-operative Memphis , or more recently with the furniture designer André Dubreuil .
20 Although agreement was reached on establishing a UDF newspaper with a maximum 70,000-copy circulation , the talks were broken off by the UDF delegation on Jan. 18 after the BCP had refused to give written guarantees that the other promises would be fulfilled .
21 The chamomile was found to have antiviral properties that aid recovery from the viral infections that are a common cause of the diarrhoea which , in turn , causes the dehydration .
22 Signals , sitreps and diaries of the time contain no hint that a massacre had taken place , or that Tito 's Yugoslavs at Bleiburg had in any way breached their assurances to Brig Scott , and this may be regarded as significant in assessing the extent to which 5 Corps subsequently continued to accept Yugoslav assurances that prisoners surrendered to them would not be indiscriminately killed .
23 IBM 's talk of a few orderly spin-outs could prove naively optimistic and it could be forced to jettison whole businesses that , under more favourable conditions , it would wisely prefer to retain , imperfections and all .
24 But its chairman , Mr Alan Greenspan , and other Fed governors have begun to remind financial markets that inflation , not recession , remains their main problem .
25 Even recent liberalisation has failed to dispel deep-seated suspicions that discrimination still lurks beneath the surface .
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