Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] that [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 While waiting for medicine to cure idiots , I have undertaken to see that they participate in the benefit of education .
2 Erm that the time has now come to accept that we do have to do the same things and it has to be in black and white and it has to be E E C wide .
3 Subsequent treaty commitments are no defence to non-performance of the obligations of an earlier treaty ; States are expected to ensure that they do not enter into conflicting treaty arrangements .
4 Material dependence arises because the old can not earn their living and financial arrangements must be made to see that they have an income that is adequate to their needs .
5 With the advances in information technology , answers to many questions could be delivered in minutes , not just on industrial issues , like how cold does it have to be before we stop work , or how heavy a load should I lift , but other questions not related to work that we have not always answered in the past .
6 I know people have written saying that I look like a nun , or could have been a nun , but that 's the last thing I would want to be .
7 If they do attempt to fly on a windy day , then a check flight should be made to ensure that they remember the hazards and how to avoid them .
8 Will he join me in saluting the work done by some of the small magistrates courts in west Norfolk , such as those in Hunstanton and Fakenham , and does he agree that every effort should be made to ensure that they stay open ?
9 At five they are then pushed into an environment where the language is new , the rules incomprehensible and where , unless it is a predominantly Asian area , they are made to realise that they belong to a special category — Asian .
10 They respond to affection , being made to feel that they matter and to the opportunity to talk about or work through their past , especially in ways that help to raise their self-esteem .
11 What have you got to lose that you have n't already given me ? ’
12 This is got to confirm that they 've , they 've actually done the reading at home , yeah ?
13 Sorry I 've had to juggle that we 've got some new documentation just being prepared for that but that 's being er .
14 You 've got what , you know in terms of when you 've got say that you have a very very high percentage of people , all in the same position living in one area .
15 The title of Nigel Osborne 's serenade , Albanian Nights , while moist obviously referring to the disguises assumed by Ferrando and Guglielmo while testing their fiancées ' fidelity in Così fan tutte , is also a metaphorical allusion to our own relationship to the music of the past : ‘ We 've got to recognize that we come into Mozart 's world like characters in disguise : we 've all flown in airplanes , driven fast cars , eaten junk food — things he could n't even have imagined .
16 Jessie rose from the table now , but she did n't move away from it , she leant her hands on the edge of it and , bending towards Agnes and in a mere whisper now , she said , ‘ Father 's got to understand that I have a life of my own ; I 'm not a china doll to be babied . ’
17 You 've got to watch that you see , did it revolve back on the children .
18 We write to them normally within seven days , ask them to read it , clarifying exactly the policy they 've got , give them the option to pull out if they should so wish , and in fairness I have got to say that we 've been doing that now for the last eighteen months .
19 In this instance you may be regarded as falling short in the modesty stakes , as your question may be interpreted to mean that you want even more adulation .
20 The argument from error can be used to show that we know of cases where others have successfully concealed their states of mind , or pretended to be in a state of mind other than their own ( these possibilities are not really distinct ) .
21 Despite this , Nozick 's account can be used to show that you do know that you are currently sitting reading a philosophy book ( please sit down first ) .
22 Gail , 25 , who slept with her gold medal round her neck over the weekend , said : ‘ I 've got to admit that I 've been back and forth through hell on the way to Barcelona . ’
23 It 's gone , it 's gone I do n't very often agree with Professor erm I very often do n't agree with David either but I 've got to admit that I agree with both of them today , we 've got to make haste slowly on this one .
24 There 's a whole family of equations that could have been differentiated to give that we do n't know what C is .
25 Member companies are regularly assessed to see that they provide the following :
26 If we study drug addicts , they will surely tell us and we will be bound to report that they believe the outsiders who judge them are wrong and inspired by low motives .
27 On the other hand , if we view the phenomenon of addiction from the point of view of the enforcement officials , they will tell us and we will be bound to report that they believe addicts are criminal types , have disturbed personalities , have no morals and can not be trusted .
28 This brochure , published by the Borough Councils of Brighton and Hove , contains only establishments that have been inspected to ensure that they meet strict minimum standards .
29 You see , Mr McKillop , although I 'm reasonably happy to accept you as Elsie 's brother and I appreciate that you 've put a great deal of work into tracking her down , I 'm bound to say that I respect Elsie 's wishes to start life afresh and leave her old life behind .
30 But I am bound to say that I have some doubts .
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