Example sentences of "[vb pp] [noun] [conj] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Bought four years ago from Johnson Matthey , it has since trebled turnover and is now making healthy profits .
2 Dr Bromley was fined £750 and is also now likely to face a disciplinary hearing before the General Medical Council and could be struck off .
3 With the lack of grazing pressure much of the scarp slope has developed scrub and is slowly reverting to woodland .
4 Eurodisney share offering is no Mickey Mouse operation : Eurodisney 's share offer has drawn crowds but is not one for widows and orphans
5 I 've never had veal that is n't , only cow , if you see what I mean . ’
6 The head twists out as if the skin is wearing an old fashioned collar that 's too tight for comfort .
7 Two months of treatment has failed to clear up the trouble , so Molby has had surgery and is not expected to return to action for another six weeks .
8 This process of taking information which is normally destined for the screen and sending it somewhere else is called redirection and is usually done with the > symbol .
9 For example , there is a sugar called lactose that is naturally present in milk ; fruit sugar ( fructose ) and glucose occur together in many fruits .
10 It 's called Jardea and is often found in water .
11 Diarrhoea after cholecystectomy is a well recognised factor but is usually considered to be rather rare and to be caused sometimes by bile acid malabsorption of obscure origin .
12 Marilyn is no longer called Hunter but is now Cleland having Steven Cleland on 13th April in Seamill Hydro .
13 It is in fact the commercially provided infrastructure that is most lacking , and many people live a long way from a shop , although this is to some extent made up for by mobile shops .
14 Forster shows Charlotte as someone who has never known love and is emotionally dried out because of it .
15 The pop star 's revenge , FEARGAL SHARKEY , formerly wobbly-voiced member of THE UNDERTONES who sought the kicks of teenagers , and wobbly-voiced failed solo star who advised listening to dad ( wonder why his career went down the toilet ) , has swapped allegiances and is now A&R man at Polydor .
16 Ambache has always supported BASW and is still a member .
17 If we see a character walking along a path to cross the screen say from right to left , and if this shot is immediately followed by one in which the same person is walking along the path from left to right , the viewer 's natural assumption is that the walker has reversed direction and is now returning to his or her starting point .
18 This is again a comprehensive and thoroughly investigated article and is probably the first extended account of Situationist cinema in English .
19 The latest revelation about the Government 's courting of minority parties came amid persistent speculation at Westminster that , on the Europe question , Mr Major has lost control and is effectively running a minority Government .
20 ABC is committed to expanding its European division ; that is why they have acquired Name and is why they intend to expand it ;
21 The problem is , however , that to examine their ‘ impact ’ on the ( differentiated ) public requires a long-term culturally and historically informed analysis that is far from easy .
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