Example sentences of "[vb past] off on a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We left Paris behind and drove off on a series of flyovers and underpasses , before drawing up outside the gates of Fort St Nogent on the outskirts .
2 They shouted at him and he rode off on a bicycle , later to be stopped by the police who had been alerted to the incident .
3 Er they actually took us to the petrol station to get more fuel and after a er five course lunch with the local farmer and his family er which was all very nice and er not too much wine of course as you can well appreciate erm we telephoned the gendarmerie and they came along and er closed the main road for er approximately twenty minutes and we took off on a road .
4 Doris cuddled me on the way to the door but she must have let go for an instant ( perhaps I goosed her too eagerly ) because I went off on a run that would have taken me all the way downtown — further , to the Village , to Martina Twain — if the dessert trolley had n't been there to check my sprint .
5 That being an impossible expectation , I went off on a tack and remarked that he 'd been lucky , as a politician , that he was also a natural entertainer .
6 It was his grandmother he spent his fifth birthday with and that same year his parents went off on a tour of the Commonwealth , which took them away from him for six long months .
7 Adam paid the man and he went off on a bicycle , still wearing the knotted handkerchief on his head .
8 One such occasion was Labor Day 1949 , when my parents went off on a holiday barbecue or picnic and deposited the three oldest toys — David [ eight ] , Johnny [ six ] and Alvin [ four ] — with a teenage black babysitter named Earl at the Ritz to see Li'l Abner [ the early black and white version , with Buster Keaton in a small part ] and I Married a Witch .
9 Georgiades , vexed , went off on a search of his own .
10 When he went off on a week 's holiday , I was asked to stand in experimentally for him .
11 While this was being done , Byrne and Phillips went off on a recce down to the road .
12 The Zeltweg race was , after all , on Niki 's home territory , and when Prost spun off on a patch of oil , the race took on a new perspective for Niki : he found himself in the lead , with Piquet behind him and no threat with badly worn tyres .
13 They have been left behind by the economic restructuring of the 1980s , shunted off on a branch line of history and left back in the twilight of the 1970s along with flares and skinheads , a time when demagogues made last-ditch efforts to salvage working-class pride and channel it in a fascist direction .
14 In the winter of 1979–80 the Trannon careered off on a course of its own .
15 WHEN Tim Barranger and his wife set off on a shopping trip from their home in Ilkley , Yorkshire they asked the inspector on their train for the cheapest day-return ticket to Leeds .
16 Usually in May we hire a coach and about 50 of us set off on a 3-day , 2-night hotel stay .
17 Immediately afterwards , he set off on a journey into Dorset , determined to repay Wordsworth 's visit of two months earlier .
18 An opportunity for escape occurred shortly afterwards when she and Wordsworth set off on a walking tour into the Wye Valley .
19 Not for the first time , Josh wondered how much use an aging and lame night watchman would be in an emergency , but he put this thought aside and set off on a tour of inspection .
20 Thomas Hargreaves , 39 , whose parents live at Llangoed , has not been seen since last Thursday , when he set off on a hike through a forest towards a glacier , close to south east Alaskan town of Juneau .
21 Four children and their father set off on a bear hunt in high spirits , but by the time they 've forded a river , squelched through mud , survived a snowstorm and a wild wood to penetrate the bear 's dark cave , all they are capable of is running home again , with bear in hot pursuit .
22 In July , the month in which Vincent was enrolled at the mission school , a desperate Tolstoy and his friend Stakhov set off on a pilgrimage to the Optina Pustyn Monastery not far from Moscow .
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