Example sentences of "[vb past] mr [noun prp] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Work colleague Melvyn Robinson of Bouch Street , Shildon , said he believed Mr Hughes had been drinking all afternoon .
2 A medical report read to yesterday 's inquest stated Mr Elderfield had been known to manipulate fits to obtain accommodation and pathologist Dr Richard Jones , who carried out a post mortem examination , told the coroner there was nothing to indicate he had suffered a fit prior to the incident .
3 The TV licensing authority in Bristol confirmed Mr Smart had been told that technically he 'd be breaking the law if he watched TV before receiving the new licence .
4 John Rodwell , a specialist inspector from the Health and Safety Executive , said it appeared Mr Eaton had been using the burning torch to cut at the edge of the slot at one end of the pipe trying to open it and hot gases could have caused it to become dislodged and fall .
5 The prosecution accepted that the notebook proved Mr Thompson had been involved in the distribution of obscene material , a charge the countess had levelled at him earlier in the trial but that he had denied .
6 He said Mr Gummer had been ‘ out to Mr Lilley 's holiday cottage , and it cost the taxpayer £2,000 for him to fly back when they could fly back for less than £200 apiece ’ .
7 In mitigation Ronald Coia said Mr Siddle had been at his son 's home but decided he had to get away from the festivities .
8 Chief instructor Ron Barr said Mr McWhinney had been a member for at least six or seven years .
9 Neighbours said Mr Howells had been involved in row with another man shortly before the incident .
10 Dalepak chief executive Chris Ivory said Mr Carr had been the engineer of the company 's firm foundations .
11 The Judge , Mr Justice De Cunha said Mr Hayward had been an exemplary husband who 'd cared for his wife around the clock .
12 Other reports said Mr Nagdi had been shot with a Beretta pistol equipped with a silencer .
13 The Prime Minister said Mr Mates had been ‘ unwise ’ to present runaway tycoon Asil Nadir , under investigation by the Serious Fraud Squad , with a watch inscribed ‘ Do n't let the buggers get you down . ’
14 A customs officer involved in the case said Mr Bradburn had been under surveillance for weeks when he was arrested .
15 The judge said Mr Sugar had been ‘ sufficiently scarred ’ by the vilification and abuse of Spurs fans outside the court .
16 Mr Major said Mr Smith had been ‘ misled ’ by newspaper reports of the interview , and that he should read the transcript .
17 Yesterday , the new leader of the MSF , Roger Lyons , said Mr Gill had been asked to hand back part of his nest egg to help out the union during the recession .
18 However , the spokesman , Mr Vladimir Mestensev , said Mr Gorbachev had been outvoted by several Praesidium members led by the former Moscow Party Chief , Mr Boris Yeltsin .
19 However , the spokesman , Mr Vladimir Mestensev , said Mr Gorbachev had been outvoted by several Praesidium members led by the former Moscow Party Chief , Mr Boris Yeltsin .
20 They said Mr Brock had been recently made redundant by a firm at Malpas .
21 Mr Major said Mr Patten had been ‘ the architect of of the campaign that has won us this victory …
22 The prospect of the political chaos which would have followed had Mr Amato lost was certain to have been uppermost in MPs ' minds .
23 Police first suspected Mr Davison had been killed when they the upper part of a man 's torso was found in a lake at Reigate in Surrey .
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