Example sentences of "[vb past] our [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Munby , for the Official Solicitor , representing Miss T. , drew our attention to the line of probate cases which had considered undue influence .
2 Finally , on this part of the case , Miss Wicks drew our attention to the fact that in In re S. ( A Barrister ) [ 1981 ] Q.B .
3 Kay Evans who is greatly involved in work for the improvement of the quality of life of handicapped people , drew our attention to the fact that the United Nations has proclaimed 1981 as the International Year for Disabled People .
4 We found our way to the desk for Saudi Arabian Airlines when we had our first alarm .
5 They wanted to see a positive statement from the Government which demonstrated our commitment to the future of the railways .
6 We had our own British equivalent in The Professionals and The Sweeney which added our apocrypha to the Gospel according to Hollywood .
7 When we were satisfied that all the holes in the walls , main door , loft door and roof were sealed up , and nothing could get in or out , we turned our attention to the exterior .
8 In chapter 2 we turned our attention to the various types of bonding between atoms , ions and molecules and saw how the bonding related to the structure and properties of matter .
9 No-one else in our aircraft appeared to be the least bit concerned , but my relief as we finally drew near the coast of England again and then began our descent to the safety of solid earth was so great that I made a little promise to myself that I would never again set foot in an aeroplane , so long as I could be permitted to survive this one trip .
10 Anyway , we nailed our box to the wall and propped up the front with a piece of wood , to make it stable enough to support the weight of our two owls .
11 So about two months after my arrival in Brobdingnag , we left the farm and started our journey to the capital .
12 We then readjusted our attention to the future of the organisation 's archive .
13 In the political climate we found ourselves in , EOPs made sense and were interpreted in their widest sense as applying to attitudes , behaviour , recruitment , training — through to the content and manner in which we delivered our service to the public .
14 But with the introduction of this new and quite different element we , as it were , at last cast aside the painter that tied our boat to the safe bank of blueprint detective fiction .
15 We ransomed our dignity to the clouds , and the uncomprehending birds listened .
16 We hoped our approach to the curriculum would be seen as enabling rather than restricting , a starting point for teachers in their discussions with their colleagues , not a strait-jacket .
17 We staggered out into the Madrid evening ‘ full of piss and vinegar ’ , as Dana said later , and somehow made our way to the Puerta del Sol , where there is a large circular fountain .
18 We then made our way to the Gulf Air desk for first class passengers .
19 Forlornly we made our way to the local restaurant .
20 We made our way to the car park .
21 As we made our way to the palace , I began to feel that I really was the King of Ruritania , with Marshal Strakencz , the head of the army , on my right and old Sapt on my left .
22 Some of the men carried spades , others food and rum , and we made our way to the beach where the two boats were waiting .
23 We were both a little nervous as we made our way to the lighthouse past the palms , the palapas and the tantalising lagoon .
24 We made our way to the lighthouse , in full view of the temple , and dropped anchors .
25 We raised anchor , turned , dipping our sails three times in honour of the Trinity , and made our way to the open sea .
26 Glancing at his watch , he added , ‘ It 's time we made our way to the dining-room .
27 But last week the Conservative candidate in Belfast 's Victoria Ward Jim McCormick — who polled 684 first preference votes — backed our story to the hilt .
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