Example sentences of "[vb past] through [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She squelched through the mud at a half-trot and hoped with all her heart that someone , after all this agony , would be in ; a kind , exceptionally friendly family would be nice ; the elder son could be a brilliant mechanic and would mend her jeep with the proverbial wave of his spanner , the mother could be a fantastic cook .
2 At last there it was , and somehow I got through the rest without further mishap .
3 Somehow Jack got through the rest of the day and arrived at the hospital tired and miserable .
4 She got through the rest of the morning as best she could .
5 He said ‘ The front door was locked , so I got through the window at the back .
6 The case arose through the servicing of small Iranian jets at Heathrow airport .
7 The boy , with the consent of his father , claims that the accident arose through the fault of the regional council in allowing children to use a room having a heavy door with a power unit attached which could close abruptly , and in failing to show any warning .
8 The framework for services in Northern Ireland arose through the integration of health and personal services in 1973 , reorganising these services into four joint boards .
9 Twoflower hung on as best he could as Ninereeds swooped through a succession of caverns and soared around a spiral staircase that could easily have accommodated a retreating army .
10 The Cloud suggests that Mary gazed through the humanity of Christ and glimpsed his divinity , albeit in a veiled and incomplete form .
11 Standing up , he gazed through the window at the massive gritstone ridge which stood against the sky on the other side of the main dale .
12 The boy sat hunched on the edge of his bed , his slight shoulders rigid ; the green eyes followed with an uneasy glitter the deliberate progress of his captor 's elegant , muscular hand through a meagre yard of air , and lived through a wilderness of reluctance and temptation during its passage .
13 As a boy he lived through a Depression inside an industrial monster clanking and heaving its passage through an increasingly ungrateful century .
14 Spain lived through a period of being isolated from Europe and the rest of the world ; González 's biggest card remains the memory of Franco .
15 What was he doing ? ’ plump-cheeked Sarah asked through a mouthful of the bread roll she was chomping on .
16 Leeds led through a try by Ellery Hanley .
17 They took a winding dirt alley that led through the back of the village between houses and outhouses .
18 Shafts of sunlight gleamed through the avenue of trees , warming the air so that she felt no need to wear the jacket she had brought with her as a precaution against the temperamental nature of Danish weather , holding it casually instead over one arm , perfectly comfortable in the same linen dress she had worn the previous evening .
19 I checked through the rest of his diaries and every year it was the same , an entry on February the eleventh saying : ‘ Today Elsie is … ’ ' and then her age .
20 Armstrong zipped through the City with more than usual aplomb , which made me think that Duncan the Drunken had given him a tuning .
21 He sprinted through the defence from halfway after a quickly taken penalty , and Aldred 's conversion put Collegians 10-9 ahead .
22 The ammonium salt was dissolved in H 2 O , adjusted to pH 9.5 with NaOH , and passed through a column of ion exchange resin ( Diaion HP 20 , Mitsubishi Chemical Industries , Japan ) to give the sodium salt of PABA-UDCA disulphate , which was used in the reported experiments .
23 The road wound past fields and passed through a thicket of young trees .
24 It then passed through a number of hands , eventually taken over by Bensons International Systems , shortly after the Second World War .
25 As has been mentioned previously , dogs which have been mistreated and passed through a number of other homes can represent a particular problem .
26 A thick stolon was much delayed in its passage ; at one place it was forced to turn at right angles to its former course ; at another place it could not pass through the pins , and the hinder part became bowed ; it then curved upwards and passed through an opening between the upper part of some pins which happen to diverge ; it then descended and finally emerged through the crowd ’ ( Darwin , 1880 ) .
27 He passed through an opening in a wooden fence into the yard , which was lit only by the light from within the house .
28 They passed through an archway into a display of great sporting figures .
29 They crossed over quietly enough , Athelstan smiling as he passed through the gateway at the far end on to Fish Street Hill .
30 I took no notice and passed through the door at the far end of the room .
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