Example sentences of "[vb past] back on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mathers span the wheel with the heel of his hand and they bounced back on to the approach road .
2 There was a thump as the lorry hit the bank , heeled over , and then bounced back on to the lane .
3 She sagged back on to the ground again .
4 And with that she reversed the van , turned it round and drove back on to the road .
5 Several more aircraft were set ablaze , and as they drove back on to the road without a shot having been fired against them , Stirling and Mayne were cock-a-hoop .
6 Steve flopped back on to the sofa , his legs over the arm , cradling the glass of champagne in two hands .
7 When the White House and Congress do reach a 1990 budget agreement ( no one is willing to predict when ) the spending cuts will be restored and the carriages lifted back on to the rails .
8 Success came overnight in neither case ; but a slow and steady improvement did take place , hauled back on to the right track at intervals by taking out the original contract and referring yet again to the agreed terms .
9 He wrapped this and the fat-soaked bread in sheets of clean newspaper taken from the bathroom , then climbed back on to the stool to see what else he could find .
10 She pushed all serious thoughts to the back of her mind and climbed back on to the helter-skelter of excitement and self-confidence induced by the undisguised admiration of Karl Gesner .
11 As she walked back on to the landing , Geoffrey came out of his room .
12 He stepped back on to the deck .
13 The girl stepped back on to the terrace , laughing .
14 She wished the journey could last forever instead of ending , as it must do , when she stepped back on to the plane to London on Monday morning .
15 The sooner she got back on to the track the better .
16 It slipped into the water , disappeared beneath the surface and , fifteen seconds later , bobbed up again and hopped back on to the rock .
17 At the door which led back on to the landing he was looking around for a prop or a wedge to pin it open when he thought of the parcel that he 'd been hugging since the zoo .
18 Hector , who had been whining all the while , now crept back on to the bed and pushed his nose under the veined hand resting on the coverlet .
19 She slumped back on to the sofa , revealing quite a lot of bare thigh .
20 She slumped back on to the sofa , burying her face in her hands .
21 As an afterthought , Ellwood emptied the priest 's pockets , then scrambled back on to the rock and pushed Carey 's belongings in between the boulders along with his own clothing .
22 She dropped the phone back on its hook and rolled back on to the bed , her eyes tight shut .
23 What the admiring spectators did n't see was Zarei sitting in the first aid room and insisting those helping him look away as he took off his socks , ‘ because I do n't want to frighten you ’ , and later on slipping a tape of Irish Folk music in to his Walkman as he went back on to the track and muttering quietly to himself , ‘ that will help me stop thinking of the pain ’ .
24 His duty done — that Jarvis would never know one way or the other made no difference in Jasper 's estimation — he went back on to the landing which by now was in darkness .
25 Philip went back on to the roof and finished the tiling .
26 She fell back on to the bed , half dragging him on top of her , and feigned girlish shyness .
27 ‘ I hate you ! ’ she whispered as they fell back on to the bed .
28 Instantly , the car leaped back on to the roadway .
29 I ran into the road , did a Highland fling and ran back on to the pavement .
30 From the river 's edge it stretched back on to the plain for a distance of over a kilometre , and he thought that it must contain well over three thousand men .
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