Example sentences of "[vb past] just come [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had just come in from sketching workmen out on the Geest , where they were laying water and gas pipes .
2 We had just come out of a 12.30 matinee and the street was burning in the sun and those who had come out of the theatre was cool and real but the others in the street were moving in a white light that had them like shadows .
3 It was Dinah , with her arms full of packages ; she had just come out of a cab .
4 I was twenty-one , I had just come out of Sweden and my eyes were like saucers .
5 joined us just as we were ready to go overseas , he had just come out of er Flight School and of course his heart was set on being a fighter pilot and here he became a co-pilot so he was a very disappointed man and he did not stand up well in combat so there were n't too many missions , about five and I bounced him off the crew and would n't fly with him any more and got then other co-pilots to fly with me from our Squadron .
6 A Dessie Edgar corner was neatly side-footed home in 79 minutes by Victor Welch who had just come on as a sub .
7 This was odd , since the BBC had just come up with the figures of 301 for the Tories and 298 for Labour .
8 When she had finished she turned to Nara , who had just come back with the things she needed and was peering round the door , as if he was too scared of her magic to come right in .
9 The three other members of the crew had just come back to the pump — we were doing " series pumping " — they had brought me a bottle of beer and I was taking a swig .
10 ONLY a dealer who had just come back from a weekend in the Kalahari desert would have been surprised to hear of yesterday 's agreed £337.6m bid by MB Group for Caradon , the Twyfords and Everest building products group , so comprehensive has been the pre-match publicity .
11 Tremayne made more than his usual fuss over Fiona , sensing some sort of turmoil , telling her comfortably that Mackie had just come back from Ascot races where he 'd sent a runner for the apprentice race which had proved a total waste of time .
12 Lee had just come back from shopping .
13 At last week-end 's ICA conference , the film generated a single comment , from a producer on Channel 4 's Out series , Claire Beavan , who had just come back from America where she was making a programme about Hollywood homophobia .
14 Don Mini turned to one of the robins which had just come back from a practice flight with a child Minpin on its back .
15 By the time he had taken her back to the theatre she felt totally removed from the morning , quite calm , controlled , almost as though she was nothing to do with the Hochhauser Season but had just come back from a week in Vienna staying at a luxury hotel .
16 We turned our ponies and galloped back to the Legation , where we learnt that news had just come in of a great victory for the Shoan army .
17 Then , when the horse is brought out of the stable , instead of just walking quietly along ( which it would if it had just come in from the paddock ) , it is jumping out of its skin , ready to spook and shy at anything , nostrils dilated , eyes bulging , and tail hoisted high .
18 It was quite soon after the terrible motor accident that had crippled him for life , and she had just come in from the garden with a bunch of flowers for him .
19 His stage set , along with the thumping music , flashing lights , and dry-ice clouds that go with it , had just come in from Scotland , and was due to head south as soon as we television camp-followers had done our reports in front of it .
20 She opened the door before Massingham had time to ring , her handsome shield-shaped face composed under the light brown fringe , and looking in her shirt , slacks and leather jerkin as elegantly informal as if she had just come in from a country walk .
21 Brown Owl called out anxiously to Mr. Gordon , who had just come down to the gate leading into the Brownies ' meadow .
22 And in EastEnders Arthur Fowler had just come out of prison after getting into deep money trouble .
23 I had just come out of one of my planning meetings and I metaphorically banged the table and said ‘ I know exactly what you should do . ’
24 He led me into the hut he had just come out of
25 They were the weavers followed by a few tottering sailors who had just come out of another tavern .
26 He pointed to the one he had just come out of .
27 While the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum , he helped in creating the new displays for the Museum 's collection of classical antiquities that had just come out of wartime storage .
28 ‘ Come and look at the fireplaces , ’ said William , and they filed dutifully into the room Tess had just come out of .
29 One of the young men had just come out of prison , and there were many cheerful jokes about his very short hair-cut .
30 There was nothing visible downstairs where we were , so immediately went up the stairs at the side to the production level where the blast had come from , and there we met a group of people who had just come out of the control room and they were cut and suffering from shock 'cos the blast had obviously well it d nearly blown the control room apart .
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