Example sentences of "[vb past] just [be] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 and er just at the very end all you could see was her and your man , the hologram and he 'd just been killed about five minutes earlier .
2 I 'd just been turned down for yet another job , hardly any money left — desperate , I was , and out comes your grandfather , asks me what 's wrong . ’
3 w well not over her but , but really , really really chummy yeah , and I thought and he 'd just been saying how pretentious she was most of the evening most of the afternoon I mean .
4 She looked small , frail , and feeble ; her face was dazed and vacant , as if she 'd just been woken up and could n't quite remember where she was .
5 He 'd just been shown in by a messenger , and the moment the uniformed official had withdrawn , had expressed surprise and displeasure at finding her to be his interviewer .
6 I took it for granted I 'd just been lying there since I went out , and whoever had jumped me had made off and left me there .
7 Some affirmative uses give a slightly different impression from that of being able to assert the occurrence of an event because of its having been perceived — a suggestion that there is a difference between what perception would lead one to think and the way things really are : ( 85 ) Once again the direction in which something is seen to move might depend upon the ratios of firing in cells sensitive to movement in different directions , and after prolonged movement in one direction a stationary image would produce less firing in the cell which had just been stimulated more than normally , hence apparent movement in the opposite direction would be seen to occur .
8 However , we were told an application for a house in the open countryside in Montgomeryshire had just been called in .
9 It would er but as I 've already said the bed looked made er totally un-slept in it looked as though it had just been made up from new and un-slept in which is why I took that course of action .
10 Everyone put on their coats and crowded to the gate with that mixture of patronage and curiosity reserved by old prisoners for those who had just been shot down .
11 When Professor Aldini applied galvanism to the face of a felon who had just been cut down from the gallows ,
12 Clara had just been born then , and now , more or less on schedule , Hana was in labour again .
13 She was about to take on a job whose previous holder had just been fired specifically to make room for her .
14 The Z88 's line editor may then be used to edit the line as if it had just been typed in .
15 The line to be edited is now in the input buffer and may be edited as if it had just been typed in .
16 It smelt of camphor as if the old clothes hanging on the racks had just been taken out of ancient chests .
17 Cos I wa , I was directly involved when I did a hell of a lot of work for Marconis , they sent me up to Glenrossi 's cos they got a micro er , electronics factory up there doing micro-chips , and one of the big coal mines up there had just been closed down and they said well , there 's no doubt about it , you know wha what we got ta do is re-train the miners !
18 This signalled the arrival of the half of the school that had NOT been early for assembly , who tried to enter the sports hall at the same time as the half that had just been thrown out tried to exit .
19 He had just been booted out of his digs , for the nth time , because the landlady had complained about the noise of a child who had stayed with him on the way home for half-term .
20 It looked as if it had just been brought home by Susan from Blackpool .
21 Far from having run its course , the struggle for the emancipation of the serfs was about to enter an even more heated phase than the one it had just been going through .
22 Tom leaned forward , ignoring the piping hot servings of lobster meunière which had just been set reverently in front of them .
23 My plan for how I was going to live out the rest of my days had just been torn up in front of my face and I needed time to adjust .
24 I stared stupidly at the bag in my hand as if it had just been dropped there from a helicopter .
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