Example sentences of "[vb past] him [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Before it was over I had devastated his family , disappointed him and further divided myself .
2 The two large men chased the smaller man , caught him and then proceeded to bash his brains out in front of everyone at the tables — or so it seemed .
3 Everyone noticed him and either wanted to have a word or an acknowledgement of their recognition .
4 She believed him and still does .
5 So successful was the new pattern that when Yusuf made a third entry into Spain in 1090 , he met with absolutely no support from the Caliphs ; they either ignored him or actually placed obstacles in his path .
6 Kelly told him and then went on to fill in the details — Broom-Parker , seeing Ibn Fayoud with Jack Butler in the car park at Kempton racecourse , her conversation with Harry Short .
7 ‘ I ca n't take it all in , ’ she told him and then let out a deep sigh and gave a small shrug of her shoulders .
8 I saluted him and then made my way back to the farmyard and the comparative safety of the farm buildings .
9 He grabbed a protester by the neck , hauled him to his feet , shook him and then pushed him away .
10 The father of one of the young children who is about to receive First Holy Communion told me that he did n't practise any faith because it bored him but still wanted his child to receive Holy Communion .
11 ‘ Perhaps Nigel had come earlier and killed him and then arranged to come back and find the body . ’
12 The soldiers followed him and so did we .
13 Tony thanked him and then telephoned the local council office .
14 Eleanor told him she understood , kissed him and then left to start the long journey home .
15 His mother obviously adored him and merely said with unconvincing sincerity , ‘ Now , Pino , mind what I say . ’
16 He had the habit of hoarding newspaper cuttings that interested him and occasionally created a picture from one .
17 He shouted angrily in a voice that sounded American , but the hijacker hit him and then pushed him to the front of the plane with his machine gun .
18 She unlocked the driver 's door , hugged him and quickly climbed inside .
19 Those who met him or merely saw him on BBC 's What 's My Secret ( he had burnt £100 million ) would have seen that straight away .
20 She went inside for her briefcase and Steve gave her a thoughtful look as she passed him and then polished off the remains of his champagne in one gulp .
21 The servants saw him and immediately thought he must be the same boy from last night .
22 My mother and I were in the kitchen when I saw him and involuntarily said , ‘ My God , he looks as though he 's … ’
23 Hasso had mixed fortunes in the ring : the judges either liked him or totally ignored him .
24 She liked him and deeply respected him for that .
25 The doctor was worried about brain damage but Andy seemed just as bright and intelligent afterwards as he 'd been before , remembering details from earlier in his childhood and performing above average in the memory tests the doctor gave him and even doing well in school when that started again after the winter break .
26 I overdosed him and then rang for emergency resuscitation .
27 The normal childhood that other people wished on him struck him as mostly plaguing and tawdry ; his own lost norm , a life spent in the company of ribald sopranos and tap-dancers and hard-pressed comedians in fear of the sack , seemed to have more decency and purpose .
28 To this end she never wasted a word or gesture and when she saw Wexford she neither greeted him nor even lifted her head , but said to one of her little girls :
29 In a way , this irked him and always had done .
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