Example sentences of "[vb past] out [prep] [art] water " in BNC.

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1 Ploughing through this for almost an hour brought us well into the hillside and at length to where the rail bed rose out of the water and into the old engine room .
2 In the warmth of the afternoon sunshine they took off their jackets and , hitching up their skirts to their knees , waded out into the water .
3 Behind the beautifully restored façades of the buildings with their smart paint and gabled roofs there was evidence of a rich and varied culture , Gina observed , walking down the crowded cobbled pathway where restaurants and cafés spilled out towards the water 's edge .
4 When I came out of the water , they all had tears in their eyes .
5 A restoration lab was set up nearby to treat the bronzes immediately they came out of the water to prevent deterioration .
6 ( ii ) No , he was arrested as soon as he came out of the water .
7 As I came out of the water he stood and said , ‘ We will take the boat and go to Petrocaravi . ’
8 Then , as he climbed out of the water , he noticed a hole in the ground .
9 Disturbed , Miles swam slowly to the edge of the pool and climbed out of the water .
10 Her scream echoed out onto the water beyond the house .
11 On my perch , arms wrapped tightly round the shrouds , I was alternately laid back over the deck and thrust out over the water .
12 Beside the boat-house a jetty thrust out into the water , and from this a weedy , once-gravelled path led along above the beach to the stone archway which was the garden gate of Taigh na Tuir .
13 Two sets of catwalks spanned the length of the cavern and four smaller catwalks led out into the water , all of them enclosed by safety railings .
14 He hopped out of the water and sat down on the bank next to Anabelle .
15 One wooden jetty crept out over the water on brittle insect legs .
16 A large wahoo , a game fish in the mackerel family , leapt out of the water and sunk its teeth into his left hand and forearm , cutting him to the bone ( Pawtucket Valley Daily Times , Rhode Island , 2 March 1987 ) .
17 Lindsey stared out at the water .
18 Ben turned and stared out across the water fixedly .
19 There was no answer to that , so Charles sat and looked out over the water to Steen 's bungalow .
20 For a moment he looked out across the water meadow , enjoying the night 's stillness , the beauty of the full moon overhead .
21 But Molly knew he would say when they got home , ‘ For what I shelled out for the water we might as well have filled the loos up with Chianti . ’
22 There was a crack in the deep , old-fashioned wash-basin and a long , red hair was fixed in the crack and floated out in the water as the basin filled .
23 Wrought-iron balconies jutted out over the water , and high above their heads lines of washing were strung , hanging motionless in the hot , still air .
24 Huy took the boy 's arm and guided him through it , to the edge of the quay , where a short , broad jetty jutted out into the water .
25 The Bay had a square , two pubs , a promenade walk overlooked by three medium-sized Victorian hotels , and a restaurant with a terrace that stood out over the water .
26 Her long hair spread out in the water around her .
27 ‘ It was glorious weather and very pleasant generally if you stayed out of the water but once you 're in the water , you are in trouble at this time of year . ’
28 The light from the top of the lighthouse flashed out over the water , and for thirty seconds she could see very well .
29 Fisherman Anthony Fernando , 21 , died off Sri Lanka when a garfish ( like a swordfish ) jumped out of the water and speared his neck ( Sun , 9 March 1988 ) .
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