Example sentences of "[vb past] up [prep] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is one sign of the rise of semi-literacy that the descendants of the nineteenth-century civic worthies who took pride in the libraries they opened genuinely can not see any problem in closing them down a hundred years later , or authorising the ruthless dispersal of their stocks built up during that period .
2 Walter Long was a country gentleman who played up to that image for all he was worth , using Henry Chaplin- " the squire — as his political model .
3 ‘ That question 's been going round in my head ever since I woke up in that alley . ’
4 Th it also has the potential to have new stations opened up along that route , both to serve existing communities and there are plans within the Southern Ryedale Local Plan already for new stations to be opened up .
5 By good fortune , the crew turned up at that moment .
6 Er … yes , perhaps just a few more condom and illicit sex gags turned up in that show than normal . ’
7 By the time she showed up in that rubbish dump on the Isle of Dogs , there would be little left that was recognisable .
8 ‘ Brigitte Krone : she was living with one of the families Gustav hid up with that winter .
9 A product of the tail-end of the Northern Soul scene ( a mid-'70s underground dance phenomenon equivalent to electro/acid 's renegade '90s appeal ) , Tony and Gordon met up at that hotbed of creativity , Stockport Tech and settled in Sheffield .
10 A product of the tail-end of the Northern Soul scene ( a mid-'70s underground dance phenomenon equivalent to electro/acid 's renegade '90s appeal ) , Tony and Gordon met up at that hotbed of creativity , Stockport Tech and settled in Sheffield .
11 Bayfield was the senior ‘ pro ’ of the pack , and lived up to that responsibility nobly .
12 Thick metal cables curved up from that helmet into the ducted roof as though the man had sprouted banded antlers .
13 There 's an awful lot of good times locked up in that jade , honey , but you 'll never see one of them .
14 It 'll bring the legend to life ; all Jonathan Ram 's hatred locked up in that beast .
15 In those few days between seeing my surgeon and going back to the X-ray department I went up to that chapel two or three times a day , I did my visualizations with all the intensity that I could summons .
16 ‘ So you grew up in that house alone with your aunt , ’ Matilda said .
17 Miguel saw that he was getting nowhere , and gave up on that topic .
18 1–3–1859 The Convener read the following letter from Claud McFie Esquire with reference to a donation of £400 which he had given to the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund and a like sum to the Supplementary Sustentation Fund and in reference to which he reserved power to demand the interest during his life ; that he was anxious to promote the prosperity of the new Church of Bowmore in Islay , and now desired to appropriate the interest of the latter sum for five years , for that charge , and on this being complied with he gave up for that period his claim for the interest of the former sum , viz £400 , to the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund .
19 I slipped up on that chess one I got the black and white one
20 You can , up to a point ( and we did up to that point ) , protect yourself against them with jungle gels and mustard gases , but the trees give no mercy and there are hours of them between Staddajakkstugorna , a mountain hut on the side of Kapasluoppal , and Staloluokta .
21 Got all his hair tucked up in that thing , you see — otherwise , he 's not so like me , not strikingly so .
22 Snuggled up on that blanket , little un .
23 still had no prospects of employment and I do n't think er , er my parents had any erm particular ideas and my father who worked for erm Roads and Bridges Department was speaking to the Chief Clerk at that time , that was , er , his name was in fact and erm he was a very sympathetic character and er he said he 'd have a word with erm with somebody in the County Council and erm see if they could find me employment as a typist and erm using the argument of course that the Education Department had up to that time at the R N C erm paid the balance of the fees for my course , erm I could just mention to you that the scholarship was worth forty pounds a year fee .
24 I draw on feeling banked up for that time .
25 Yesterday afternoon , well it started off on Saturday and he ended up outside that house I 'm outside ours there was three cars in the drive which you can not get !
26 That 's how I ended up in that chair .
27 Do n't forget , I 've seen you in some states , Ruth , practically off your rocker wasting away wrapped up in that sod .
28 For some reason he picked up on that word and let her cool statement go by for the moment .
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