Example sentences of "[vb past] up and [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is almost certainly from a Roman source — an autobiographical letter by Scipio Nasica — that Plutarch derived his picture of Aemilius Paulus , the father of Scipio Aemilianus , receiving King Perseus as a prisoner : " Aemilius saw in him a great man whose fall was due to the resentment of the gods and his own evil fortune , and rose up and came to meet him , accompanies by his friends and with tears in his eyes " ( Aem .
2 Although the examiner appointed by the court may submit a report which accompanies the deposition , this is merely intended to give him the opportunity of recording facts , including incidents during the examination ( for example , that the witnesses fainted or rose up and tried to assault cross-examining counsel ) ; the examiner can not indicate his opinion as to the credibility of the witness or his own impressions of the witness 's demeanour .
3 I 've got nothing other , I do n't know whether anybody 's aware of what went on last Wednesday and probably that , I mean there could have been there was a , sort of a , a cable that , a mains cable that heated up and started smoking and er , we had to deal with that .
4 Then he looked in the car , saw my father crumpled up and started to speak .
5 What would I say if : her Dad died ; his parents could n't attend ; her parents did n't attend ; the best man did n't arrive because his plane from India was delayed ; it turned out to be the groom 's second wedding , although it is her first ; the Matron of Honour did n't turn up because she was ill ; the groom dried up and forgot to compliment the bridesmaids so I could n't thank him ?
6 One time I was in the classroom , and my sparrow , which had been sleeping in my pocket , suddenly woke up and began chirping loudly .
7 When the sun set , the travellers woke up and began to prepare for their journey .
8 ‘ Steffine woke up and started crying I think she must have sensed there was something wrong . ’
9 But she cried a lot when she woke up and needed comforting .
10 ‘ Then five years ago we woke up and decided to sell washing machines instead . ’
11 When she was fully rested they ate a meagre meal , conserving their supplies of meat and berries for the arduous journey ahead , then mounted up and began to pick their way carefully through the snow tracks in the wood .
12 A man came up and offered to buy him a drink .
13 At all events , I dined with him when he came up and happened to mention poor Willy 's plight .
14 One old petrol stove clogged up and failed to work at all .
15 Lew Chester , one of the paper 's greatest reporters , turned up and started knocking out his usual classy feature articles .
16 Francie tuned up and began to play an unexpected , tearoom kind of music .
17 I 'm not a writer but I have done some singing , and so we met up and decided to do some songs , with a conscious effort to keep it basic-sounding , and showcase Lola 's voice .
18 After a moment , he straightened up and began to strip .
19 She straightened up and began ticking off on her fingers .
20 And when she straightened up and went to take the key from the lock his hand was there before hers , and as he handed the key back to her , he said on a laugh , ‘ I see you do n't intend to be locked in from the outside . ’
21 Their barrow full they straightened up and turned to push their way towards the road .
22 Bob got up and began to put the things on the table for dinner .
23 She got up and began slamming the tea-things on to a tray .
24 Other guests now rose to leave and the two English envoys got up and began to move amongst the different groups .
25 While he was speaking she got up and began pacing to and fro across the wide office .
26 She gave the back of her chair a despairing slap , got up and began pacing to and fro , jerkily shaking clasped hands .
27 And she got up and began to run across the room to her mother .
28 She got up and began walking round the kitchen , collecting a dirty cup here , a saucer there , putting them in the sink .
29 The forms in the waiting-room were most uncomfortable and at one period she got up and began to walk about , apparently to the consternation of other people who , docilely , were also waiting for news .
30 He was cold to the bone , and with the first faint grey of pre-dawn he got up and began to walk the passageway , stamping his chilled feet with an infinitely small , puny sound against the flags of the flooring .
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