Example sentences of "[vb past] up and [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At the question , her head jerked up and she saw that Vitor had awakened from his nap and was frowning at her .
2 The soldier woke up with a snort ; his head jerked up and he looked at us inquiringly .
3 It bounced up and I turned to see the ball hovering above my stumps .
4 Eventually , all the pressure built up and I had a nervous breakdown .
5 It hit me when I phoned up and they said those two had gone .
6 So he phoned up and he had to redial two or three times before he started .
7 I phoned up and I got phone up to ask for the information right ?
8 I started to like it more when we loosened up and it got less serious .
9 I gave it a coat yesterday morning and then it hardened up and I rubbed it down with a bit of fine wire wool today
10 A cold , harsh light struck through deep wells in the banks of cloud ; then these wells filled up and it became almost dark .
11 Yes , I remember , I saw them when I woke up and I thought
12 And I woke up and I found myself that I was the only one .
13 So John came up and we said er we were wondering who could judge th Christmas card competition and he was saying oh I do n't know , and then th the P T A chairman came up erm we said oh perhaps you should judge the Christmas card competition erm and she said well Melissa is judging it and we said Pardon !
14 I lifted them early because I did n't want to leave them any longer because they were going to get damaged and they were , they were a wet potato when they came up and they 've cooked wet , so I think that the amount of rainfall you have has a lot to do with it .
15 I sort off , parked car there and I came up and he had room to do that
16 He 's , he 's already come in for one form put it , he 's obviously filled one form in , he came up and he said can I have an application form for that job in the window , so I gave him one and he went , oh well I 've just filled one in .
17 He was bent in the act of locking the car as Maggie came up and he straightened to a considerable height , dark eyes running over her in astonishment .
18 The trouble is I mean if , if it did , it came up and he wanted to sell it would of it would obviously decrease the value .
19 No , he was n't , because his head came up and he threw himself back on the ground behind him and he was rolling around in a heap of laughter .
20 His eyes came up and she saw his jaw tense before the shutters came down and blanked off his thoughts .
21 Her head came up and she looked him in the eye .
22 Her hand came up and she caught him a stinging blow across the cheek , watching without a flicker as the mark turned first white , then red .
23 then I felt a real twit , cos a man came up and I said I think something 's gone wrong with the auto bank machine , says I , it wo n't give me any money because it 's , it 's coming up there 's an error , so he said well I 'll try and see , he says , he put in exactly the same card as me , he had the Midland card , put it in , got his money
24 Once again those bloody crossbows came up and I heard the click of bolts being placed .
25 When the lights came up and I turned to ask his reactions , I found him sitting speechless , tears coursing down his cheeks .
26 The crowd opened up and he headed for the gate .
27 It was then I noticed a small cut on his forearm , at least it looked small until it opened up and I realised it went all the way through all the underlying muscles .
28 Gran and I … well , Gran opened up and I know the reason for her succession of illnesses , real and imagined .
29 I wa I usually and then lock it and th and when there was visitors she opened up and she left the front door wide open and in there rummaging around !
30 Then the old girl turned up and him to stop him mutilating him bit more .
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