Example sentences of "[vb past] up [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It swelled up when I finished
2 It bounced up and I turned to see the ball hovering above my stumps .
3 Eventually , all the pressure built up and I had a nervous breakdown .
4 I phoned up and I got phone up to ask for the information right ?
5 ‘ I just cracked up when I saw him .
6 I gave it a coat yesterday morning and then it hardened up and I rubbed it down with a bit of fine wire wool today
7 And in the morning , yeah , you have to wake up earlier they 'd bring the hosepipe and they 'd wake you up with cold water and you 'd have to have a cold shower and everything And sometimes they , they put , they 'd used I got , I got done the worse and , like , I just woke up cos I felt cold .
8 Yes , I remember , I saw them when I woke up and I thought
9 And I woke up and I found myself that I was the only one .
10 I saw the emblem on the front o' the lorry as yer drove up an' I guessed where yer was goin' . ’
11 I came up when I sank .
12 then I felt a real twit , cos a man came up and I said I think something 's gone wrong with the auto bank machine , says I , it wo n't give me any money because it 's , it 's coming up there 's an error , so he said well I 'll try and see , he says , he put in exactly the same card as me , he had the Midland card , put it in , got his money
13 Once again those bloody crossbows came up and I heard the click of bolts being placed .
14 When the lights came up and I turned to ask his reactions , I found him sitting speechless , tears coursing down his cheeks .
15 It was then I noticed a small cut on his forearm , at least it looked small until it opened up and I realised it went all the way through all the underlying muscles .
16 Gran and I … well , Gran opened up and I know the reason for her succession of illnesses , real and imagined .
17 She came round on Tuesday for my hamper money and she said , everything was cos , I said I 'd pay her monthly and she turned up and I said , I thought I was paying you monthly ?
18 I mean in so I I come here today with a petition that I presented that also talks about proposing to abolish the merger , I mean this is a move just one step away from that but I still feel in what was proposed at the last full council meeting and I would express my views to the officers that in light of what has been suggested today is actually implemented to the wording as it stands because the joint working party that had been er written up previously never did meet although if I can inform it was only the officers who actually met up and I hope that in light of all the working group and the two heads of centres covering for each other would be implicitly applied .
19 I woke earlier on , but I thought I 'd disturb you if I got up so I had another nap . ’
20 Cos , did n't gon na say know when Jessica got up cos I 've got pretend erm got up for the erm
21 it was only ten to eight and I got up because I thought I was getting late for work and I 'd better get moving .
22 Well you know where Penny 's old desk were , where she sat looking up towards the , and Jenny sat there and Joan sat there , this Janet was sitting there and on that Friday morning when the phone had rung , well I got up and I went to go upstairs to take something or a fax coming for me or something , and as I went past Lynnette hit me on my shoulder and she said it 's me Pat , Pat she said it 's me , oh Pat I said what 's , what 's going on ?
23 so I thought you 'll probably give him a bottle when you got here anyway , so I was going to give him one , it all depends when he got up and I thought you 'll probably give him one so I did n't
24 oh well that was good , I 'm , I just thought though yesterday when I got up and I 've seen the weather , good grief Jimmy 's never gon na go out in this like you know
25 Er , and I got up and I protested about it , on the grounds that if they could n't run a great big pop hall for , and I wholly agreed with the idea , of of them providing the facility .
26 There was the board of governors sitting at the back on this cold grey Monday and I got up and I did some Shakespeare and by the time I finished , dawn was breaking .
27 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
28 We — we knew Ronny 'd be back soon , it was near the half-hour , so we tidied up and I kissed her and — gave her a hug …
29 Well , well she was , she was standing outside , I mean I looked at her this morning and I 've loo so I 've sort of looked at her , and I was going to speak to her and then this fella walked up and I thought , I , I mean I could n't gauge whether , and I mean my , I , I was thinking what I was going to say anyway , I was going to say er you know sa is it Paula so you perhaps do n't remember me but I , I , and then I was going to say I 'm Adrian , Adrian
30 He hung up and I went back to the salon .
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