Example sentences of "[vb past] me with [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 " My life was formed only by means of the public library which provided me with my only uncensored access to books .
2 She writes : ‘ My time spent ‘ at the University of Oxford ’ broadened my outlook in many respects and this helped me with my academic studies and writing from then on' .
3 ‘ I 'll forgive you , ’ said Comfort , ‘ although considering the trouble you caused me with your wretched tittle-tattle in the old days , I ought … . ’
4 She confronted me with it this afternoon and she had all the details — even the name of the pub where the meeting was held . "
5 And as I sat on the beach , I idly picked up some of the myriad stones lying on the shore , and one of them surprised me with its remarkable colours — it was pure marble glistening and sparkling with mica particles imbedded in it .
6 ‘ She hit me with my own stick , doctor , ’ he whispered , displaying the scrapes and cuts received in his flying accident .
7 ‘ I was trying to save some of the Guinness for you , but she hit me with my own stick .
8 How did you feel when you saw me with my beautiful Oriental mistress ? ’
9 She left me with my adoptive mother and just disappeared .
10 which impressed me with its green circumference .
11 When I was seven , Dad bought me some bantams , a cock and two hens , and these supplied me with my own child-sized eggs .
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