Example sentences of "[vb past] all [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is one of the wonders of the Christmas story that Jesus — the authoritative Word of God — stooped to be born in the humblest of settings ; it is one of the wonders of the Christian faith that after His resurrection , Jesus should remind His disciples that He retained all authority in heaven and earth .
2 Wishing hard to avoid the carved arches , I invited all manner of alternatives and shot them down one by one as unsuitable .
3 People used all sorts of tricks and various types of equipment but here in this silent building there was just the pig , Lord Hulton and me .
4 Thus Lewis asserts that ‘ God created all things without exception good ’ ; in Tolkien even Melkor begins with good intentions ( p. 18 ) .
5 The bomb at Reading stopped all trains between Tilehurst and Twyford .
6 Eventually he found all forms of religion involving ‘ externals ’ and ordinances unsatisfying , and he describes how he became aware of the sufficiency of a personal and inward inspiration ‘ ( as one inspired with a supernatural life ) sprang up farr above my earthly center , into a most heavenly and divine enjoyment ’ .
7 I found all sorts of reasons for it , like not being there when my father died .
8 Two years before the refinery became operational , however , Montevideo severed all links with Moscow .
9 Newport ..... 13 Barbarians .. 40 SO THE Welsh have not after all severed all links with South Africa .
10 In Rasbora Ltd v JCL Marine Ltd [ 1977 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 645 Lawson J held that a clause in a contract for the sale of a motor yacht which excluded all liability in respect of defects could not be relied upon when an electrical fault resulted in the total loss of the boat within 27 hours of delivery .
11 Thus , for both of them the theory of forms excluded all possibility of evolution .
12 He collected data from sixty-nine countries ( but excluded all countries in Africa ) on such economic variables as GNP per head , calories consumed per head , and gross energy consumed per head and compared these to years of secondary schooling — general and vocational .
13 She tried all kinds of diets and even when she stuck rigidly to an Energen 1000 Calories a Day diet and lost over two stone not a single inch went from her thighs .
14 Even when she later encountered more difficulties , she tried all sorts of positions , but never changed her grip on the hammer .
15 It burned at the top of a 25Oft stack and we tried all sorts of things to get it to light again .
16 The industry tried all sorts of things to get people interested : Rover put a traditional grille on its 800 , Ford introduced a new way to buy a car called Options and Nissan even tried selling its cars itself for a change .
17 He tried all sorts of subjects and approaches to photography and different camera formats and techniques as part of the course but doggedly stuck to his 35mm camera because of the portability , cheapness and speed of action .
18 He tried all sorts of subjects and approaches to photography and different camera formats and techniques as part of the course but doggedly stuck to his 35mm camera because of its portability , cheapness and speed of action .
19 Hungary on Jan. 18 , 1990 , suspended all licences for exports denominated in roubles in an effort to cope with the country 's growing trade surplus in relation to other member states of COMECON .
20 The peace and tranquillity of the moment stirred all kinds of memories .
21 If someone had valuables hidden in the hypocaust , he must have been waiting on thorns for the chance to get his hoard away , and baulked all day by staff and visitors wandering around .
22 They played all sorts of tricks while they were learning and then when they came upstairs Victor was doing an exhibition dance , a tango .
23 They were dismissive , however , of President Numeri and his introduction of Sharia , Islamic law , which demanded the amputation of the hands of thieves and forbade all alcohol under threat of public flogging .
24 A blunt letter last week told all clubs without floodlights that unless they were up and shining by 1993–94 and to 120 lux , a higher standard than many existing installations they 'd be banned from the FA Cup .
25 'Mill 's short-passing game was certainly not suited to the conditions , whereas Chiddingfold 's long balls out of defence caused all sorts of problems for the visiting defence .
26 Ardglass farmer Robert Hutton was one of Cowan 's three-ball and suffered all kinds of agonies in the wind .
27 ‘ We suffered all kinds of punishment , ’ one witness told the Brazilian Justice Ministry .
28 Pyle dropped all semblance of bonhomie .
29 People dropped all kinds of rubbish in amongst the lank grass and an old rusty car had been abandoned on a concrete platform where a garage once stood .
30 When Philip was alone in the wood he imagined all sorts of things about the planes , that they were enemy planes bombing Thirkett , that they were on reconnaissance flights spying , that they were looking for him : a crashed pilot hiding out in the wood .
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