Example sentences of "[vb past] this [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By a coincidence I met this man on the summit of Sergeant Man in the Lake District two months later .
2 I sa , as I say , I met this morning with the three members from Potter Street erm we do have various alternative proposals for sa ways forward should the village back out and what I can say to you at this stage is that we have another meeting scheduled for next week , we will be meeting with the Resident 's Associations keeping them fully informed erm we will ensure that the letter goes back to Mrs who and the other Resident 's Associations who expressed concern there and that we will be taking , I hope , I hope because I 'm gon na have to say if Woolwich back out we 're going out we 're going have to move very fast and do some quite erm in-depth work .
3 She points to the newcomer and explains , " I met this woman at the council housing department and she said I could stay with her . "
4 He sadly posted this letter on a wet Sunday afternoon in Leeds .
5 And if you lived this end of the village you was an uptowner , see ?
6 A teacher who showed an interest in Asian culture was asked by a colleague , ‘ why do n't you wear Indian dress ? ’ and was greeted by a mock Indian prayer movement every time she passed this colleague in the corridor .
7 Bukharin envisaged negative reproduction taking place even before such a catastrophic situation was reached , however , and he applied this concept to the capitalist countries .
8 In Re Sigsworth , the judge applied this principle to the interpretation of the intestacy statute which made no mention of it .
9 But he later applied this insight to the central issues of political and legal theory .
10 Even though most of the working-class women had low skill , repetitive jobs , they picked out certain qualities of these jobs as satisfying by comparison with housework , and they shared this tendency with the middle-class women .
11 Durkheim shared this concern with the failure of modern civilization to produce the happiness promised by the philosophies which had emerged as the feudal period ended .
12 Several other economists of the nineteenth century shared this view to a greater or lesser extent .
13 That is to say , Libyans whose families had settled in the cities some generations before were perhaps exempt from this process ; but the majority of Libyans made their history in the same way , and shared this picture of the past .
14 Someone here once told me a story about the most notorious of the dictators who ruled this country at the turn of the century .
15 The court ruled this week on the case of Pauls and Moores of Georgia .
16 Pilot of the lead aircraft , Glamorous Glen III , was Chuck Yeager , flying his aircraft , who led this formation down the display line to open the days flying programme .
17 Party leaders inserted this clause after an August Central Committee meeting at which the General Secretary , Mr Nguyen Van Linh , exposed the leadership 's anxiety at developments in China and Eastern Europe with a fierce denunciation of political pluralism and subversive imperialist powers .
18 Well I suppose a very junior clerk , the first job I was given was , well it 's unheard of in this day and age but what they had was what they call a bundi clock and there every driver and conductor had got a key that was inserted in this clock and on it was his personal number , well when he reported for duty , he inserted this key into the clock , turned the handle and stamped on to a piece of paper , a roll of paper , his number and the time he reported and the next day it was my job to go through and record from this piece of paper how many minutes they were late f reporting for duty and if they erm were more than , I think about three or four minutes we had to send them a memo telling them , that 's how things were in those days that people were , they toed the line or else .
19 He worked out where The Bar was on his maps , and then checked this perspective against the actual view — from where he saw the city it looked like The Bar was right in the middle of it , not hidden away at all like it was on the map .
20 If a child of the late twentieth century asked this question of a parent , it is unlikely that he would receive an answer that would be intelligible to him .
21 Now say for instance that because of the minimum solvency er agreement the employers have got to pay whatever their loss is , and if and I asked this question of the T U C that if there was a situation of where the employees were in the majority and forget the pension regulator , because there was a regulator anyway , so you can add whatever name that y you liked to have , but the fraud still went on , but say the employees were in the majority as far as the trustees is concerned and they were in full control and the control was taken away from the employers and there was a a federation of the hundred and twenty eight thousand with a central fund paying off heavy loss of any minimum solvencies , then surely that would be the ideal situation in order to safeguard , because when I asked Goodey himself when he submitted his report , he said they could not give any categ categorical assurance that nobody could defraud in any scheme under the proposals he 's made .
22 If one takes the views of the architects explicitly asked this question in the AMERG survey then the reforms seem to have been a mixed blessing ( 42 per cent thinking them to be beneficial and 29 per cent not to be ) .
23 After laying the groundwork , he announced this initiative in a broadcast address from the Elysée Palace on 16 September 1959 .
24 Wolverton made the wheels , track , track pins , turret base rings and powered mountings , and as the war progressed , produced this equipment for the A. 13 Cruiser , Matilda and Centaur tanks .
25 When he conveyed this message to the Shah 's entourage , the US ambassador , Richard Parker , warned that as the situation in Iran changes so might the attitudes in Washington .
26 So of course I told him about , you see we , we 'd lowered the level of the loch at the , took four feet of it , you see and it revealed this thing in the loch .
27 And then I , and I made this bit of a faux pas , I says , oh you must have got a very good rate , cos I knew she 'd been retired years and years , you see .
28 I made this ascent on a lowering afternoon that turned thundery , and I stood only momentarily I will admit on the bridge , as the storms brewed noisily up in the mountains all around and the lightning began .
29 So we made this room into a chapel again .
30 I once attempted to read his first book , Alex Through The Looking Glass , but stumbled and fell at page 10 where the Hurricane made this observation on the subject of literature : ‘ My favourite read is Robert Ludlum .
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