Example sentences of "[vb past] at [noun prp] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The museum man placed his fingertips together and nodded at Davide as he took trouble to explain , and the colour flowed back from Davide 's cheeks and he slipped the coin into his pocket , with its two faces that were neither mirror images of one another , nor replicas , but a false double , an inexact repeat .
2 The Test series began at Edgbaston as it was to continue — with a thumping .
3 He glanced at Belinda as he spoke and she turned quickly to the glucose monitoring kit to put it away .
4 She barely glanced at Juliet as she crossed the room to the curtained bed .
5 He glanced at Newman as he stood up .
6 He said aloud , ‘ rom all the somewhat diffuse information , indeed , from the paucity of information — ’ he glanced at Cowley as he said this , ‘ that has been made available to me , one thing does remain clear .
7 Caroline glanced at Nicolo as they strolled from vendor to vendor .
8 And he glanced at Graham as he pushed copies of the two London evening papers across the desk .
9 The porter accepted his tip gratefully , nodded and glanced at Donna as he left , smiling approvingly when her back was turned .
10 From floor to ceiling , along its entire length , tens of thousands of expressionless faces stared at Bernice as she hurried away from the circular chamber .
11 He looked at Kate as he said this and the message was quite clear to her .
12 But — ’ She turned and looked at Aggie as she ended slowly , ‘ But it was n't like the house we had in Durham .
13 He looked at Elinor as he brought the chicken to the table .
14 There was a moment of silence , and then the old lady , her tone returning to normal , looked at Grace as she said , ‘ Now , Grace , when the meal is over and there 's all this tosh about the ladies rising so the men can enjoy their port and cigars , here 's one who is staying behind because I 'm dying for a cigarette .
15 I looked at Jean-Claude as he gave me these instructions and I saw a side of him I did not recognize .
16 Derek looked at Charlotte as he sat down , but all she could manage was the faintest of smiles .
17 Shaking her hand off his arm , he looked at Keith as he went into the dining-room .
18 She looked at John as she spoke and he looked back at her and smiled .
19 He looked at Carrie as he set the candle down to give himself two free hands for the goose .
20 She smiled at Sharpe as he twisted the Prince 's horse towards the archway .
21 She smiled at Michael as she rattled it .
22 She smiled at Hari as she moved towards the stairs , there was no order book but from now on there would be one and , if today was anything to go by , it would always be full .
23 He winked at Ruth as he indicated the place where she might sit and then , having settled them all to his liking , he fetched the food from the carriage .
24 One woman juror winked at Liberace as she returned for the verdict .
25 He winked at Nigger as he passed .
26 They stopped walking and Miranda gazed at Miles as he broke into full song .
27 She glared at Hank as he stood by the front door ready to open it for the paper 's representatives , and tried not to scream while these gentlemen put on their boots again .
28 At this Faye sat up , flinging aside covers , in one movement , like a swimmer surfacing , and she glared at Alice as she had at poor Monica .
29 One of them whistled at Tabitha as she squeezed by .
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