Example sentences of "[vb past] that he [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1870s he demonstrated that he was keeping abreast of developments in analysis too , with a paper on Georg Riemann 's new approach to integral calculus .
2 He maintained that he was thinking about gold and the strange fascination this metal still exerts upon otherwise rational men grappling with the intricacies of international exchange rates .
3 He even pretended that he was having an affair with a younger woman .
4 At a meeting last summer , he mentioned that he was suffering from a sudden bout of back pain and had just visited an acupuncturist .
5 When daylight dawned he found that he was sharing space with a hoard of gold ingots , one of the lost treasures of the area .
6 When he lifted out the first and looked through the handwritten pages he found that he was holding Henryk Liawski 's personal diary covering odd and irregular dates between 1952 and 1958 .
7 He found that he was getting angry .
8 After a while Rostov found that he was losing track of the ebb and flow of the conversation .
9 Opening heavy lids , she found that he was staring at her with burning eyes , yet she was aware that he 'd imposed on himself an icy control .
10 Attlee finally discovered that he was a figure of importance in British politics when he went to Potsdam with Churchill in July , and found that he was greeted with more warmth by the British forces in Berlin than Churchill himself .
11 ‘ That dog 's half mad , ’ Tom said to Willie but found that he was talking to the air for Willie was several yards behind , still trying to keep up , his cheeks flushed with the effort .
12 He found that he was shaking .
13 Back at the village post office he 'd sorted out the usual junk mail which never made it past the door of the shop and found that he was left with one real , honest-to-God letter .
14 He found that he was rolling and unrolling the brim of Maidstone 's hat in his fingers .
15 Late in 1915 , in a letter to Woodward , Dawson reported that he was ailing from an ‘ anaemic condition ’ , which did not improve .
16 CW reported that he was working with Bob Crossman on planning matters affecting the Library .
17 After going comfortably for nearly an hour Pat Connolly reported that he was losing engine pressure .
18 The days of smoking a pipe suddenly came back to him , and he realized that he was biting down on his own teeth .
19 They realized that he was speaking .
20 But he soon realized that he was leaving himself too little time for all the work he had to complete , and a regular routine of three days in London ( generally from Tuesday to Thursday ) and four days at Shamley Green was established instead .
21 When I eventually realized that he was trying to chat me up , I decided to end the conversation and get off the train .
22 His heart was throbbing painfully , and he controlling his breathing with the greatest of difficulty … but he also realized that he was enjoying it .
23 He realized that he was supporting the weaker side , and was against the transfer of power to ‘ mere financiers and political economists ’ .
24 He realized that he was getting cold , clad as he was exclusively in a rather small towel , but decided to stick it out and pick up all of Davidson 's message .
25 Encouraged by the thought , Mungo realized that he was forgetting the point of the search .
26 Then I realized that he was wounded , and could not run ; and that he carried a sword in his hand .
27 He realized that he was following the pattern of the streets , moving into the poor area of World 's End .
28 It went on wrinkling until Gabriel realized that he was laughing .
29 Masklin realized that he was standing at one of those points where History takes a deep breath and decides what to do next .
30 He felt annoyed at first but then he realized that he was running far better than he had been the previous day and that he was n't even trying .
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