Example sentences of "[vb past] that he had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They talked , and in course of it Paul mentioned that he had already sketched out plans for a second book ; the Professor had already informed Mr Lamprey of the first .
2 As we approached the river , the Trent , which had a bathing-place in the grounds , he mentioned that he had already had a dip and recommended it .
3 James mentioned that he had never understood why people went on strike until he became a wage-earner .
4 Looking around at the suffocating power of the Roman Catholic Church and the less humane churches of Protestantism , he found that he had nowhere else to go ; they had no answers for this situation either .
5 Tawell , who was deeply affronted that such a respectable businessman should be arrested on such a charge , exclaimed that he had never heard of Sara Hart , nor of Salt Hill , and he had definitely never been there .
6 Stirling felt this inferred that he had loosely prattled at a cocktail party , whereas the gatherings referred to were private dinner parties .
7 Mr B. P. reported that he had already lost 3 stone some time before but had stuck at 15 stone and was pleased when he started to lose again .
8 In a postscript Dr. Yeats reported that he had subsequently seen both Dr. Thackeray and Mr. Leech who had been together since he had been with them on the previous day .
9 Also I express surprise at the Labour leader 's volte face a short while ago in the press he reported that he had more important matters to think about , or discuss insofar as fox fox hunting was concerned or words to that effect .
10 He realized that he had just murmured something under his breath .
11 Perhaps , as Debré suggests , he realized that he had now become a prisoner of his own institutions , President de Gaulle instead of General de Gaulle .
12 Sullivan realized that he had almost no one to talk to , except , of course , Sullivan himself and Parsons .
13 His critics agreed that he had sure grown with Alberta — just fatter and fatter !
14 Erm , he did n't actually admit at the hearing that he had hit , erm , but erm , the disciplinary panel agreed that he had perhaps been provoked er rather more than er , had been necessary .
15 He then realised that he had already seen his son some distance from the door and that his conviction that it was him had been totally irrational .
16 Charles realised that he had previously underestimated the young producer 's sensitivity .
17 She found herself peering into nooks and crannies , not that he could manage to conceal himself into one , with his breadth , and was almost disappointed when she realised that he had most probably gone out .
18 Pursuing this theory , we attributed to him some great and unhappy love , and then surmised that he had only ever confessed it to Madame , perhaps in the days of his terrible drunkenness .
19 Amir now announced that he had all along been a Communist !
20 Shevardnadze condemned the incident but Russian army officials accused Georgia of pursuing a deliberate anti-Russian policy after the then Georgian Defence Minister Tengiz Kitovani announced that he had personally ordered the seizure .
21 In his memoirs he admitted that he had secretly aspired to it for decades , but had not pressed the issue for tactical reasons ( because it would have made him vulnerable to the charge of Bonapartism and perhaps also , as Debré argued in his memoirs , because popular election of the president in the circumstances of 1958 would have placed a majority of votes in the hands of the peoples of the French Community ) .
22 When questioned about the tobacco box , Day admitted that he had regularly , and recently , poached and snared in Duncan Woods , and it was more than probably that he had dropped it then .
23 This fellow , who must be the only , or almost the only , surviving person outside Japan who has been the target of a nuclear bomb , and who knows what it 's like for real ( as opposed to the criminally bone-headed fantasising about nuclear war indulged in by our sillier soldiers and politicians ) , was not only matter-of-fact about it all , as though it was the sort of thing that might have happened to anyone , but he actually admitted that he had never given a thought to the possibility that he might be at risk as a result of the radiation he undoubtedly suffered at the time until recent weeks when various busybodies brought the matter to his attention .
24 During the trial seven other women revealed that he had also assaulted them and afterwards a senior detective said that Courtney could have abused 100 women .
25 Within minutes of Cantona signing for United last week , sources at Leeds revealed that he had twice asked for a move , and stormed out of Elland Road only days before his £1.2 million transfer .
26 Tests revealed that he had abnormally high levels of insulin in his blood , which could only have been injected .
27 It had taken Carlson some time but he believed that he had finally worked out who was responsible for the ritualistic murders on the planet .
28 She added that he had later asked her to tell detectives that he had been at home all Saturday night .
29 ‘ I have never seen Soho on the screen , ’ wrote Ernest Betts in 1928 and then he added that he had never seen Southend , Birmingham , Chelsea , Bloomsbury , or London suburbia either .
30 When Zen judged that he had enough for his purposes he pointed to the Fiats .
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