Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Whilst there are undoubted cultural factors acting on the latency phenomenon , as Freud himself recognized , he nevertheless maintained that it rested on a biological , innate foundation .
2 ‘ In some ways , ’ he said yesterday , ‘ Python does look very old-fashioned now , yet when I arranged a compilation of all 45 shows for the BBC I found that we had on the Not The Nine O ’ Clock News unintentionally pinched a number of things , putting the signature in the middle of the programme , parodying famous TV interviews .
3 Further south , government forces reported that they had on May 12 taken from Garang 's forces the town of Liria ( east of Juba and on the road to Torit ) and on May 28 Kapoeta ( some 50 km north of the border with Kenya ) .
4 Three additional parents reported that they worked on contract at nuclear sites and had been monitored for exposure to radiation before their child was diagnosed ( one father of a case , after conception ; one father of a control , before conception ; one mother of a control , before conception ) .
5 To that representative of the religious élite who by his bland statement , ‘ How happy are those who will sit down at the feast in the Kingdom of God ! , ’ revealed that he counted on a reserved seat , our Lord told the parable of the Great Feast .
6 She kept a secret diary which revealed that he spoke on average 3.5 words a day , she told a divorce judge .
7 By his order dated 5 August 1991 the judge directed that she recover on her counterclaim the sum of £24,751.59 together with interest for unlawful eviction , general damages and consequential loss .
8 Sir , I apologise , I was going by this figure made by which indicated that it expired on the thirty first of March , I think and in fact , that is a an error on the officer 's part it would appear from the licensing authorities in fact , it expired at the end of May .
9 I was going by a brief statement made by the officer which indicated that it expired on the thirty first of March .
10 Meredith followed her line of sight and saw that it rested on an oldish-looking photo .
11 All night ticket collectors came with torches , and they were followed by police who demanded that I put on proper trousers .
12 ‘ Hang him , hang him ’ , they cried , and demanded that he go on trial .
13 She knew that they relied on a book called a Grimoire for their contact with Evil .
14 And Pedro 's continued absence insisted that she act on it at once .
15 As a Marxist , he had no faith in the superstructure of art , convinced that it depended on the structure of production .
16 ‘ I had to leave , ’ he said heavily , ‘ because my conscience dictated that I inform on the Nazis . ’
17 But said that they went on Tuesday evening they had some people over and they were looking we were gon na go for a meal in Chorley er they 'd come over from Grantham , and they were going over on the night on the night ferry , on night boat from Hollyhead .
18 ‘ But hold on , ’ we can hear you say , ‘ I thought you said that you walked on weekends and played tennis and squash . ’
19 When allegations that Schnur had worked for the Stasi for at least 20 years were first made on March 9 his denials were supported up by the West German government which said that he had on the contrary been passing information on political repression in East Germany to them .
20 Andy Gray , on Sky , said that he sits on a panel to decide if a goal is an OG or not … and can then take goals off players .
21 But you all said that it depends on his skill or his what 's his name
22 The judge , asked to decide as a preliminary point when the cause of action accrued for the purposes of section 9(1) of the Limitation Act 1980 held that it arose on completion of the works required by the notices .
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