Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You mentioned that they were oaks and ash and broad leaved trees .
2 Nobody mentioned that they were puppets themselves .
3 Having recounted this history , Lanfranc mentioned that there were professions of obedience to Canterbury , all testifying to its primatial position .
4 During these months we found that we were part of what amounts to a movement in Britain today , with churches springing up everywhere .
5 The discovery that oriented bars and edges were the trigger features for neurons in the visual cortex was enormously exciting when it was made thirty years ago , but Levick followed up their discovery and found that there are orientation selective neurons in rabbit retina as well as the directionally selective ones shown in Figure 4 .
6 He found that there were reasons to believe that bodies were placed supine below the pyre and that the average temperature achieved was about 900° C , but the quantity of fuel required was not determined .
7 In their study of the civic culture , Almond and Verba found that there were differences in attitude toward government between those with different levels of education , and between those who had received some formal education and those who had received none .
8 The House of Lords found that there were circumstances in which liability could be incurred for negligent misrepresentation by one person to another in the absence of any contractual or fiduciary relationship between them .
9 In a report published in May 1990 the human rights organization Amnesty International found that there was evidence of the use of torture and of deaths as a consequence ; it expressed concern over the government 's inaction in investigating torture allegations — the majority of which emanated from the Casamance region — and in implementing adequate safeguards .
10 At the office door I found that I was second in the queue , not first .
11 I found that I was spending money every day .
12 Joshi and Owen ( 1981 , pp. 106–7 ) studied the labour force participation of successive cohorts of women in Britain from 1950 to 1974 and found that it was motherhood , rather than marriage , which determined the length of women 's lives in paid work with Ms Average withdrawing from the labour market for seven years .
13 They analysed it and found that it was mud , a piece of clay , y'know , but them not being all-forgiving , they suspected that I was using drugs , y'know , so they kicked me out of home and I went to live with my grandmother and then I had more freedom there to do as I pleased and hence started going to pop festivals and things and enjoying them and getting off on them and mixing with that whole subculture if you like .
14 Cassie picked it up and found that it was silk , with a bodice of handmade lace ; beautiful and expensive .
15 He produced in 1975 the results of a large survey , hailed as the ‘ Italian Kinsey report ’ , in which he found that 50 per cent of Italian women and 25 per cent of men engaged in sex ‘ only to please ’ their partners ; that 46 per cent of women and 19 per cent of men faked orgasm ; and that 49 per cent of women and a surprising 32 per cent of men reported that they were virgins at marriage .
16 The Far Eastern Economic Review of March 26 reported that there were fears in Hong Kong that the advisers would constitute a second , unelected power-base in the colony .
17 Seeing a youth of about 17 about to cycle away , Harry whispered that he was RAF and did he know anyone who could help .
18 There was a seriously dangerous note in his voice now , Cassie thought , so caught up in the play that she hardly realized that she was part of the script and it was she whom Johnny was talking about .
19 Other products from abroad are coming onto the market , but the Didcot meeting agreed that there is scope for improvement .
20 The head of South Africa 's CITES delegation , Piet Mulder , agreed that there was evidence of SADF involvement in ivory smuggling , but blamed it on a few corrupt elements .
21 Women who told me that their partners accused them of using tears to manipulate them agreed that there were times when they deliberately wept , but said that it was often the only way they could get their partner 's attention .
22 However , in 1971 a sub-committee of a committee of the council recommended that there be increases , but later the chairman of the committee gave a public undertaking that the numbers would not be increased above 300 until a private Bill then being promoted had been enacted .
23 The judge ruled that there was information contained in electronic records that printouts did not include , therefore , they were not faithful to the original .
24 He realised that there were things he had done ; but now he did nothing .
25 To her horror Benny realised that there were tears pouring down her face , and that a small circle of people were watching her in concern .
26 ‘ So I auditioned for them and they auditioned for me and we got to like each other and at that stage we did n't give a shit what each other looked like , we just realised that there was talent there .
27 Franca realised that it was Marcus breathing , slowly , deeply , into Patrick 's mouth .
28 Although the petitioners realised that it was government policies which were responsible for the impoverishment of the masses , the movement did not oppose government , it appealed to it for improvements .
29 Then they said well and then I realised that it was Fennite and I 'd heard of that
30 As Nazi Germany started to crumble into dust during the final battles of 1945 Gehlen realised that it was time to change sides .
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