Example sentences of "[vb past] been [vb pp] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 Seddon knew more about the Ingard-Stavanger case than I did , because , being an ex-chief of the Fraud Squad , he 'd been consulted about it before it came to us , and had , in fact , directed the preliminary police inquiries .
2 She 'd been pressured into it by the situation .
3 This programme experienced several problems , resulting in dangerously high sodium ion concentrations in home-made solutions and low usage rates of the solution by those who had been taught about it .
4 A modern shelter had been raised over it , and the ground about the stone had been paved .
5 A canopy had been raised above it , but because the Yasa required the enthronement to be witnessed and acclaimed by people of every degree there was no other obstruction to the public view .
6 Although it has been argued that most of the ideas central to general systems theory are certainly valuable , they had been applied to it without formal knowledge of the theory ( Jennings , 1973 , p. 124 ) , nevertheless the theory has focused thinking and has probably been responsible for a more comprehensive view of many environmental situations .
7 The swan-white robes were not the possessions of single families but of the community , and every mother whose infant wore a robe made and sewed a tiny bow to the back of the garment , so that it might be recorded how many infants had been christened in it .
8 It did n't seem that any more work had been done on it , but it still looked much the same .
9 Because she had been detached from it at the most traumatic moments , she had not been caused any distress but was well able to see how the combination of Daniel 's various experiences could have led to her phobia about water .
10 A truce in the following year did much to restore the old trade , and the Treaty of Picquigny of 1475 eased many of the restrictions which had been imposed on it ( 64 , Ch.7 ; 93 ; 94 , pp.212–13 ) .
11 The small pain which had been inflicted upon it had only served somehow to make it stronger .
12 The child said he claimed to have witnessed a murder , and had been affected by it .
13 He had been led to it by his experience of the numinous , and by the exercise of his imagination .
14 Above all , he had been led to it by the discovery that story , myth , could not only carry truth , but also be truth .
15 To relieve the monotony of the black head , yellow sighting lines had been painted on it to enable the golfer to line up his putt on the ‘ sweet spot ’ — the dead centre of the putter head .
16 Planting began in 1969 , but in 1981 , 15 years after the scheme had begun , the whole was sold off for a fraction of almost the billion dollars that had been invested in it .
17 It was estimated that another 50,000 jobs in British factories and workshops had been sustained by it .
18 The egg which had been stirred into it gave an unusual texture , and the pepper added pungency .
19 The House of Detention held dangerous men behind bars , some of them Irish , and she remembered how her father had been threatened with it when he 'd been caught causing trouble .
20 When dreams are recalled during the day , it would therefore be the most salient points that would be recalled , and the colour detail , which would have been available if the dreamer had been questioned about it on awakening , will have been forgotten .
21 Sounds as if the guy is suffering from Hemingway Syndrome : ‘ computers may see their silicon lives flash before their eyes , so to speak , just before they die , ’ Prodigy Services Co suggests , reporting that physicist Stephen Thaler of McDonnell Douglas Corp has been playing with neural networks as a way to speed diamond crystal growth but while by day , he created and trained the neural nets , by night , he began annihilating them to see what would happen , randomly severing links , and when between 10% and 60% of the links were destroyed , the network regurgitated nonsense , but as it approached death , 90% of the connections severed , it generated distinct values that had been trained into it , and at times even output ‘ whimsical ’ states , where it would generate values that were neither trained nor ones that would appear in a healthy net , says Thaler , who thinks it may say something about near-death experiences for humans — ‘ It may not just be fancy biochemistry , ’ he suggests .
22 Later it was found that its policies in relation to Polish territorial claims had been formulated for it by the Comintern as a way of weakening Poland .
23 But it is difficult to see what this could mean other than that some deviance , at least , would not have occurred had it not been for the societal response — that is , had been caused by it .
24 He had all their attention now , every eye was wide and bright upon him , Herluin and Robert irresistibly moved to hoping against hope , but very wary of disappointment , Nicol interested but bewildered , for nothing had been said to him of the loss of Saint Winifred 's reliquary , or the possibility that he might have had it aboard his wagon , and had been robbed of it with all the rest .
25 In theory he had been prepared for it all along , but that it should happen now , right now …
26 The obelisk was nearly completed , and a place had been prepared for it near the south pylon of the Temple of Ptah ; the barge which had brought it had long since returned to the quarries upriver .
27 Sadly , when Mr Mason 's marvellous edifice arrived in May 1857 it was discovered that the basin which had been prepared for it was far too small .
28 No indication that anyone had been killed in it or done anything else in it but sit in it .
29 My vehicle had been pushed through it .
30 On a hundred occasions I have idled similarly in a deserted croft in the Highlands of Scotland and wondered about the lives that had been lived in it .
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