Example sentences of "[vb past] been [prep] [pron] all " in BNC.

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1 I would have discovered once I 'd been through it all .
2 If he did n't understand something , he was reluctant to stand up and ask , instead he 'd worry it out himself , sometimes I reckoned he 'd been at it all night .
3 And this man he was a regular dustbin , dustbin man and he 'd been at it all his life and he used to play cards with us and his family , his sons , and , and as many else as got any money to play pontoon or brag .
4 She stared away from them and up beyond the cage towards the grey sky , and Creggan saw in her eyes a longing and a hope that he sensed had been with her all her long life , and was with her even now when he saw she was so near death .
5 Advice , prospectuses , fact sheets , helplines , career and benefits experts , course counsellors , businesswomen , and mature returners and learners , who had been through it all and come out stronger , were all there to persuade women learning is for life and it 's never too late or too hard to start .
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