Example sentences of "[vb past] been [adj] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He could tell she 'd been used to ordering people about at one time .
2 She 'd been used to hopping around and flapping about wherever she pleased , so it came as a bit of a shock to find her freedom of movement restricted by the jesses .
3 Britain broke off diplomatic relations with the Syrians four years ago after allegations that they 'd been involved in trying to below up and Israeli airliner .
4 Even Roquelaure 's omission to tell him that he 'd been involved in setting up the deal with Iran seemed less mysterious as the Métro train cruised beneath the Paris streets .
5 She 'd been close to panicking when Jeff had phoned her about the Sardinia stint .
6 If he 'd been wary of placing too much trust in her , she 'd been openly sceptical about him , right from their first meeting .
7 On his previous visit he 'd been full of gushing enthusiasm , trying to banish , or at least mask , the strange sense of unease it evoked .
8 It was at that moment , Ronni thought later , that Guido made up his mind that he 'd been wrong in associating Jeff with the disappearance of his speedboat .
9 At the Court of Appeal today , Rachael 's solicitor explained that he 'd been frightened of losing the children , and that for several weeks before the killing he 'd been taking medication for depression .
10 None of this alters the fact that it is possible to use these adjectives with a tense value distinctively different from that of the preceding verb ; see ( 51 ) and the contrast in ( 52 ) : ( 51 ) we all know Cerrutty to have been fortunate ( 52 ) ( a ) in the test my men showed themselves alert ( b ) in the test my men showed themselves to have been alert In ( 52 ) , ( a ) would naturally be suitable when the men respond promptly during the test , and ( b ) when , for instance , they had been alert in paying attention to instructions given at some time before the test .
11 Polly 's bright cotton skirt and sleeveless white broderie anglaise top had been perfect for shopping in the balmy warmth .
12 He said the media had been impulsive in reporting the incident and that Mansell and Ferrari had appealed to two different bodies — the national motorsports tribunal in Portugal and FIA 's international tribunal .
13 She had been halfway through wallpapering one room when the pull of the sun had grown too strong to resist a second longer .
14 He had been fortunate in getting the job with Joe Maitland , he had to admit .
15 After some search , we had been fortunate in finding accommodation , admittedly very cramped , in a mews flat in Kensington Court .
16 they had been fortunate in securing a businessman , whose qualifications in that respect would certainly appeal to men in the North of England .
17 Andrew Cunningham , who had been fortunate in having been one of the men brought up to the surface to erect a fence round the subsidence , volunteered to go back down into the unknown to search for his missing colleagues .
18 Just as Ayliffe had been fortunate in having William McDougall as Secretary/Treasurer when he embarked on his Presidency , so Kenneth McDougall when he became Chairman , was exceedingly lucky to , have Leslie Edwards occupying these offices .
19 The trained bands , which were under the control of the Tory-Anglican lieutenancy , and which during the Exclusion Crisis had been efficient in suppressing the activities of Whig and Nonconformist crowds , refused to act against the crowds who gathered to prevent people from attending the mass , believing that since the professed purpose was " only pulling down Popery " , they could not " in conscience hinder " .
20 It made her feel she had been incompetent in handling her affairs , and she did n't like that .
21 We reckoned that the British Army was the most professional in the world and that it had been influential in training the South African and Israeli armies who we thought took second and third place .
22 Held , dismissing the appeal , that there was nothing in the policy of the Insolvency Act 1986 that indicated that Parliament intended to give the words ‘ carried on business ’ in section 265(1) ( c ) ( ii ) of that Act a meaning different from that which they had been held to bear in section 4(1) ( d ) of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 ; that a debtor did not cease to carry on business for the purposes of section 265(1) ( c ) ( ii ) until all the trading debts of the business had been paid ; and that , accordingly , the registrar had been right in holding that since the tax liability had not been discharged the debtor was still carrying on business and that he had jurisdiction to make the bankruptcy order ( post , pp. 122B–E , H — 123A ) .
23 Manville knew then that Hayman had been right in writing him off as a washed-up veteran .
24 There was no reversal of policy : Nkrumah had been right in assessing their relative positions on Africa , only now the Tories were out to show that they had shed pre-war Conservatism .
25 Its existence demonstrated for Engels that Marx had been right in arguing that commonality was the oldest form of social existence .
26 Shelley gazed as he sang , wondering if Dr Rafaelo had been right in saying that this act was only showmanship , with no genuine feeling or emotion in it .
27 Psychological experiments of the rats-in-mazes kind are always set up in such a way that , even if the animals concerned had been capable of exercising individual judgement in such a way as to wreck the experiment , this fact would escape detection .
28 But there was speculation that the sixteen-foot olos of their Hawaiian predecessors had been capable of scaling the monstrous waves , fifty feet and more , that boil and boom off Kaena Point and remain untested in modern times .
29 That once she had been capable of responding ?
30 She could remember the incident quite clearly , although the circumstances surrounding it had vanished into oblivion , beyond recall of any form of analysis : it had been early afternoon , so clearly not a party incident — maybe they had had lunch together ? — and she had been anxious about picking up children from school .
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