Example sentences of "[vb past] been [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The last time there was a serious battle for the post was 1951 , when Mr W S Morrison , Conservative MP for Cirencester and Tewkesbury , was elected , defeating Major J Milner , Labour MP for Leeds South East , who had been deputy Speaker in the previous Parliament .
2 These were the highest offices Arabs had held in the Israeli government since 1973 , when Abdel-Aziz Zoabi had been Deputy Minister of Health .
3 When , in March 1950 the State Department , under strong Congressional urging , had sent its aid survey mission to Southeast Asia it was headed by Mr R. Allen Griffin , a Californian newspaper publisher and editor , who had been deputy chief of the US Aid Mission to China .
4 The New Minister of finance , Sigbjoern Johnsen , had been deputy leader of the parliamentary finance committee since 1986 .
5 When in November 1990 Sir George Blunden , who had been Deputy Governor of the Bank of England , was appointed chairman of The Money Advice Trust ( created in January of that year ) , the aim was to raise £6 million for the purpose .
6 Previously its goal had been state sovereignty within a reformed Soviet Union .
7 Musically the interim was not unproductive : he compiled several keyboard concertos from other composers ' music collected in Paris and London , and made his first foray into vocal music , with a couple of Italian arias ; he composed a comedy in Latin for Salzburg university entitled Apollo et Hyacinthus , a piece of Passion music , and the first act of a sacred Singspiel , Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots , written in collaboration with Joseph Haydn 's younger brother Michael ( who since 1762 had been music director to the Archbishop of Salzburg ) and another local composer , Jacob Adlgasser .
8 The Paris appeals court ruled on April 13 that Paul Touvier , 77 , who under the wartime Vichy regime had been intelligence chief of the Milice ( pro-Nazi French militia ) in Lyon in 1943-44 , should not stand trial , on grounds of insufficient evidence , on five charges of crimes against humanity .
9 He was replaced by Nouri Zorgati , who had been Agriculture Minister until 1991 .
10 Tork had been Station Officer in Tel Aviv for eleven years .
11 The creation of a republic had been ALP policy since 1981 , but no date had previously been set .
12 Kryuchkov had been KGB chairman since October 1988 [ see p. 36256 ] and Yazov had been Defence Minister since 1987 .
13 Koty had been Defence Minister until December 1991 [ see p. 38665 ; for February 1992 coup attempt see p. 38800 ] .
14 Rabin had been army Chief of Staff during the 1967 war , and Prime Minister from 1973 until 1977 , when in April he resigned as the Labour Party 's election candidate for the premiership and the Labour Party lost the ensuing general election [ see pp. 28533-38 ] .
15 BK told us this had been base camp for early attempts on Kanchenjunga from the south .
16 Sacko , a UN Development Programme ( UNDP ) official serving in the Central African Republic , had been Finance Minister for six months before resigning in August 1987 in protest at the unwillingness of Traoré 's government to support him in a drive against corruption [ see pp. 36085-86 ] .
17 A Moslem from West Nile province , Ali had been Finance Minister in the Idi Amin regime but went into exile before Amin 's overthrow , joining the Museveni government as Tourism and Wildlife Minister in 1986 .
18 Ekrem Pakdemirli , who had been Finance Minister until March 1990 , became Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State with responsibility for economic affairs .
19 has a wide range of commercial experience and joins us from ( cheese manufacturers ) where he had been finance director since 1988 .
20 One was Lord Parker ( who had just retired as Lord Chief Justice ) and another was Lord Gardiner ( who had been Lord Chancellor from 1964 to 1970 ) .
21 An uncle had been Lord Mayor of York .
22 There had been car break-ins in the area but there was nothing to connect Wolfenden with them .
23 He had been Form Master of 3A , and they wept at the announcement in Assembly next morning .
24 She had been Form Mistress of Junior C from 1950 to 1962 and taught with patience , sympathy , and understanding , introducing many boys not only to drama ( as was to be expected ) but also to cricket and football .
25 London had been grit grey for months , and Jay fought the sunless skies with the blade of keen memory .
26 He had been Town Sergeant from 1846 , and a formidable character he must have been to any offender .
27 Lord Rathcreedan , who as Captain Cecil Norton had been Club Captain since 1914 , continued until 1921 , continued until 1921 and Mr. J.C .
28 He had been Club Captain from 1914–1916 and was President from 1920–23 .
29 William Jackson had been production manager with one of the largest carpet manufacturing firms in the area , with a worldwide reputation for quality carpets .
30 He had served six years in the Cabinet under Muldoon , and had been opposition leader since 1986 .
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