Example sentences of "[vb past] been [conj] i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 And she seemed flustered when I demanded to know where she 'd been when I 'd been gassed right next to the ship .
2 I went on my way happy after that — indeed , happier than I had been before I had seen the strange apparitions-and it occurred to me that somebody both less logical and less imaginative would have jumped to the conclusion that what they had seen were UFOs .
3 I wish I had been 'cause I took CSEs at school and I got sort of fairly average grades ( 1 in music ; 2 in English ; 3 in history , general science and woodwork ) .
4 One of the few occasions when she had been really cross with me had been when I suggested he might have been wiser to make some sort of provision for his wife and son .
5 I soon realised that not everyone was as naive as I had been and I fell out with Kate and Alison .
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