Example sentences of "[vb past] been [art] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 It was not necessary for him to know that she 'd been a widow for years .
2 ‘ I 'd been a partner for 10 years , I was 43 and could see another 17 years of PW partnership ahead of me .
3 He 'd been a parasite for too long , a mere copier , echoing other men 's vision .
4 There 'd been no call for him to attend .
5 There 'd been no shooting for a long while .
6 Even his marriage to Primaflora in some way had charmed them although , of course , there had been no opportunity for her to visit either Episkopi or Kouklia .
7 Something unforeseen and urgent had happened , since Sean had obviously known of it yesterday afternoon , and there had been no opportunity for him to inform her .
8 And from that moment to this there had been no opportunity for any kind of personal discussion .
9 Hitherto there had been no provision for the mentally afflicted poor ; only licensed ‘ mad houses , , run on a private basis , which could only be used by those whose relations could afford them .
10 Indeed a Galapagos dove was seen to perform a distraction display on an island where there had been no predators for countless years .
11 It seemed to have lasted a long time and there had been no glory for me in it .
12 Each sector was made responsible for its net revenue results ; previously , there had been no responsibility for overall profit and loss below the level of the chief executive .
13 There had been no handkerchieves for him to work on for several days and there was not very much to eat for dinner .
14 There had been no room for competition with her mother and Jenna had never wanted to try to offer any resistance to the relentless drive that kept her mother going .
15 The local authority appealed against the orders and sought an interim care order on the grounds that ( 1 ) the justices had erred in law when they had made the order preventing the parents from having contact with each other as contact between adults was not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his responsibilities towards his child and thus fell outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 ; ( 2 ) there had been no application for a section 8 order and before exercising powers under section 10(1) ( b ) of the Act of 1989 the justices should have invited the parties to make representations , and the failure to do so was a material irregularity ; ( 3 ) the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact and there were grounds for believing that the children would suffer harm , had been plainly wrong in refusing to make the interim care order in respect of both children in that they had failed to have regard to the facts that both parents had colluded over injuries to D. , the mother had lied when she had stated that there had been no contact with the father , the father had been in breach of a bail order there had been a violent incident on 23 November 1991 which had involved both parents , the mother had refused to be accommodated with the children in a mother and baby home , and the mother had changed her mind about the adoption of R. ; and ( 4 ) in all the circumstances the order which would have been in the best interests of the children and which the justices should have made was an interim care order .
16 By a notice of motion dated 14 February 1992 the local authority appealed against those parts of the order which directed that there should be no contact between the father and the girl until after the local authority review and that there should be supervised contact between the girl and her half-sister , on the grounds that ( 1 ) the justices had been wrong in law in failing to invite the parties to comment on the agreed proposals for contact ; ( 2 ) the justices had been wrong in law in failing to indicate to the parties the nature of the orders for contact which they proposed to make , thereby depriving the parties of the opportunity to make submissions relating to those proposals ; ( 3 ) the justices had wrongly exercised their discretion in authorising the local authority to refuse contact to the girl by the father for only six months when they had found as a fact , inter alia , that the father had abused the girl over a period of at least 18 months ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to impose the condition of supervision on contact between the girl and her half-sister when there had been no application for such contact to be supervised , the evidence was that the half-sister had been enjoying unsupervised contact and that there was no evidence that there was any risk of the girl coming into contact with her father while having contact with her half-sister , and the justices had heard evidence that the local authority were considering placing the girl with her half-sister and by their order they had precluded the local authority from making such a placement and had fettered the discretion of the local authority ; and ( 5 ) the order was therefore contrary to the girl 's best interests .
17 There had been no need for her to write that letter .
18 In his childhood swimming at Cannes there had been no need for these ridiculous costumes .
19 I guess the boy had been no match for the APC .
20 While studying spinning in Huddersfield ( as part of her degree course in textile design at Middlesex Polytechnic ) there had been no time for her to try out the machine , so the then sceptical technician told her to come back later .
21 As there had been no time for it to be considered , the hearing was adjourned until November 1990 .
22 There had been no time for a cup of coffee and she 'd eaten nothing the night before , going straight to her cabin .
23 For he could not have had to look far for whatever it might be , there had been no time for that .
24 It was first love — there had been no time for earlier romance because Nicandra was only eight on April 8th 1904 .
25 If there had been no reason for the attack , it called for a severe sentence ; in one sense , revenge attacks , which themselves strike a blow at public justice , could be said to aggravate the gravity of the offence .
26 ( 3 ) That the existence of pending proceedings in a court of superior jurisdiction was a factor to be taken into account by a judge in deciding how in the interests of justice to exercise his powers to regulate proceedings in his own court ; that the district judge had properly assessed the situation and had not erred in refusing to postpone the trials in his court until after the High Court trial ; and that , accordingly , there had been no ground for interfering with his decision ( post , pp. 265F–G , 266G ) .
27 The deputy commander of the first artillery battalion reported that all its cell members had been so busily engaged on operations amongst the civilian population that there had been no meeting for over a month ( they were probably occupied in some of the unsavoury tasks noted earlier by our peasant soldier and his mother ) .
28 ( There had been no pre-arrangement for the lads to put the purifier in the water .
29 There had been no minibus for the office staff and everyone had dressed in black .
30 Home monitoring was discontinued when there had been no events for at least two months or two months after discontinuation of oxygen ( see below ) .
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