Example sentences of "[vb past] been [adj] [prep] years " in BNC.

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1 No recording of Jenkins 's music had been available for years before the Thorofon CD , and now this Astrée issue comes onto the market , as if to underline how huge a gap in the recorded repertoire that was .
2 He spoke as if they had been married for years , and could joke about sharing a bed .
3 The old lady had been deaf for years and had what she called a ‘ thing-gummyjig ’ on her telephone receiver which was intended to help her hear her callers more clearly .
4 He built his shed which , made as it was of old floorboards from a couple of hovels that had been empty for years , resembled a shack .
5 The one I found was run down , anyway , and had been empty for years . ’
6 The house on our western side had been empty for years .
7 The preacher was describing with enthusiasm how he had been wicked for years and how a certain parson had pointed it out to him : this had gradually turned him from wickedness .
8 After the war opinion was more fluid and open on political grounds the tariff issue had been dead for years and I felt it was one which would pull the party together , including the Lloyd George malcontents .
9 Their mother had been dead for years , and their father had died only three weeks before .
10 Damned if he was going to call her Empress when her first husband , the Holy Roman Emperor , had been dead for years .
11 People within the health and social services had been aware for years of the patients ' accusations , but nothing was done .
12 He had been old for years and grown so fat in the stomach that he puffed when he stooped .
13 He heard himself , it sounded like a door opening somewhere inside him , it was an old door , it had been stuck for years , you had to heave on it , you needed all your strength , and then it gave a few inches , and cried out as it gave .
14 They were persons who had been brain-washed by years of experience of disengaging from colonies and saw Northern Ireland as another external colony from which Great Britain was destined to disengage in order to hand it back to the natives whom they assumed were the republican Irish of the island as a whole .
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