Example sentences of "[vb past] been [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 McLaren , the 22-year-old Hearts defender , told me recently that when he made his World Cup debut against Italy ( the game where he was asked to mark Roberto Baggio ) , the fact that he 'd been part of the squad at the European Championship finals , as well as playing a couple of games on the tour of North America last year , were of immeasurable assistance in making the step up .
2 Well Of course came the War and and er like for about twelve years like before the War I 'd been president of the Hosiery Finishers Association .
3 We had been bottom of the league in the 1960s and 1970s , but our GDP , business investment and manufacturing productivity grew faster during the 1980s than in Germany , France or many other countries .
4 Ecologists had been warning of the possibility of such a conflagration for some time .
5 Some 580,000 Estonians took part , exclusively people who had been citizens of the pre-war independent Estonia and their descendants ; most of Estonia 's political parties fielded candidates , some with Popular Front endorsement .
6 Ahead of the Latvian Supreme Soviet session , the radical nationalist National Independence Movement organized on April 30-May 1 a rival " Congress of Latvia " , elected in privately organized elections in which only people who had been citizens of the pre-war independent Latvia and their descendants were eligible to vote .
7 In the event , permission was given for Paisley and Beattie to go forward because they had been members of the Stormont Parliament before it had been suspended .
8 It has been estimated that 60 per cent of the fascist elite had been members of the armed forces and over 40 per cent saw active service in the first World War .
9 Neill and Nicholls L.JJ. , both of whom had been members of the court sitting in Ashtiani v.
10 About a dozen deputies had been members of the outgoing parliament ; the average age of the new members was 45 .
11 The four , who had been members of the late President Sukarno 's palace guard , were shot by firing squad in Jakarta , despite widespread pleas for clemency from the international community .
12 Three candidates who had been members of the CNC , Nadjita Ngororo , Doungous Kimto and Bobekreo Tchimne , were also defeated .
13 The government on July 18 took direct control of the State Property Agency ( SPA ) , whose officials had been members of the former communist government , and a week later announced that the head of the SPA , Istvan Tompe , would be replaced by Lajos Crepi ( former vice-president of the old post office ) .
14 The arrest of three police officers and two military captains who had been members of the elite UESAT unit of the Panamanian Defence Forces commanded by the former dictator Gen. Manuel Noriega , led to suggestions that a serious coup attempt had been intended , and that it had enjoyed wide support from the police .
15 Both had been members of the party secretariat .
16 According to the Information Minister , Mohamed Ahmed Ould Lamine , the majority of those involved had been members of the army and navy and had admitted that they had " received orders from Senegal " .
17 All three had been members of the Khmer Rouge administration in the eastern section of Cambodia who had taken up arms against the Pol Pot regime in 1978 .
18 HCS member Ali Haroun said in Brussels on Feb. 26 that half of a total of 50 people killed had been members of the army and gendamerie .
19 Of those killed , 31 had been members of the police or army .
20 These men supplied many of the first generation of Russian permanent representatives in western Europe : of the twelve of these accredited in the first decade of the eighteenth century five had been members of the group of students sent to Venice in 1697 .
21 He obtained 103,244 votes ( 55.08 per cent ) in the second round , against 84,178 votes ( almost 45 per cent ) for Mohammed Taki , who had been Speaker of the National Assembly between 1980 and 1985 but who now represented the Union nationale pour la démocratie aux Comores ( UNDC ) .
22 William Howe , his father , had been minister of the parish for fifteen years .
23 She was the mother and the wife and the queen of the home , as Our Lady had been queen of the little family at Nazareth .
24 He had been Master of the Worshipful Company of Feltmakers in 1956/7 ( the tenth member of the family to hold this position ) , and president of the European Association of Hat Manufacturers between 1957 and 1964 .
25 His father-in-law , Alexander Grant , son of the 8th Laird of Glen Moriston , Invernesshire , had been Commodore of the small British naval fleet on the Canadian lakes and had served for 20 years on the Executive Council of Upper Canada , for which he had been rewarded with liberal grants of land in various parts of Canada .
26 From this it may be judged that the Chauncys had been friends of the Blencowe family , and that a reference from Susanna Jennens carried weight with them .
27 It was also established that the Jews had been friends of the inhabitants of Pergamum in the time of Abraham ( Ant .
28 George Blake , the MI6 officer who had been secretary of the committee that had planned Operation Gold in 1953 had joined MI6 shortly after the war .
29 He had been secretary of the BRS and when he went on furlough I was asked to take on his duties .
30 U Aung San was succeeded by an intimate and trusted colleague , Thakin Nu , who had been Secretary of the AFPFL .
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