Example sentences of "[vb past] n't [be] for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If it had n't been for her courage and fortitude in going out there and taking on the role of investigator , private detective and motivator , those files would still be closed and the police would just have an unsolved case of a missing person . ’
2 If it had n't been for her fat friend , she would have overslept .
3 I do n't know how I 'd 've coped if it had n't been for my mum .
4 And I would n't have if it had n't been for my mother …
5 Fire-brigade or not , if it had n't been for your bright idea and splendid work and your friend 's race for help to the farmhouse the whole field would be ablaze , ’ said Farmer Olinton .
6 ‘ If it had n't been for your interference she would still be alive . ’
7 ‘ I 'm not a particularly patient man , and the thought of lying flat on my back for weeks made me feel almost suicidal , and if it had n't been for your parents — well , suffice to say that they were marvellous — ’
8 If it had n't been for your shiftless nephew , Suzie would be back in England by now , my mother would n't be having sleepless nights and I could be in London doing the job for which I 'm paid ! ’
9 ‘ If it had n't been for your ghastly aunt we 'd have been married by now . ’
10 If it had n't been for his diligent research and dogged answer seeking , I would n't be leaving for America two hours from now in the hope of a cure .
11 Adam would have faced almost certain death if it had n't been for his quick thinking .
12 He 'd begun to tell her an anecdote about the time he 'd been trying out some play in Brighton when he 'd very nearly missed the curtain because he 'd accidentally locked himself in his hotel-room , and how if it had n't been for his wife — ; realising his blunder he broke off and wanted to know if she minded his being married .
13 If it had n't been for his quick-mindedness , he said , goodness knows what scandal might not have ensued .
14 They 'd have sacked him , if it had n't been for his war-record — it would n't have looked good .
15 If it had n't been for his harsh , laboured breathing , Isabel would not have known that he still lived .
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