Example sentences of "[vb past] she could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She found she could just catch a direct Finnair flight if she hurried .
2 She , and could , found she could not fly and laid there looking at the sky .
3 She found she could not look up at him .
4 Tightening her lips as though afraid they might widen against her will , she then found she could n't bear the ensuing silence .
5 Caroline found she could n't speak .
6 While making herself a light meal , though , she found she could n't stop dreaming about him .
7 I 'd joined in trying to control the thing by now as Gillian found she could n't manage curves on her own .
8 But when , together , they had pulled shut the heavy door with its iron decorated bands , she found she could n't fit the key into the lock .
9 She found she could n't tell him after all .
10 She found she could n't continue , nor was she able to tear her gaze away from the dark , silky hair on his chest , only inches away from her eyes .
11 With this she knocked away the snow from the lettering — but then found she could n't make out the words in the dark .
12 When it came to the front door , she found she could n't go in .
13 She found she could n't tear her eyes away , and when he managed to get his second boot off and threw it to one side , then lifted his head , she was still staring .
14 She 's probably looked and found she could n't get anything better .
15 She had two children who only spoke Swedish , and she found she could n't learn the language .
16 But , though she tried , Ronni found she could n't smile back .
17 As she heard her front door click , Rachel 's anger suddenly turned to dismay and as she turned to the window she found she could only see the outline of the cathedral through a mist of tears .
18 And basically they managed to jump up on the bed unlike yesterday morning where pretended she could n't get up on the bed .
19 No matter how she tried she could n't prevent the arm from flopping out on to the floor .
20 But no matter how much she tried she could not prevent the shift in perceptions towards her .
21 So deeply and dreamlessly that when she woke she could n't think at first where she was ; nor place the strange noise at the back of her head .
22 I was just thinking that maybe at the beginning of the day people could , if she knows who is due she could actually write that in , and when they came she could just tick that that they 'd arrived .
23 The last time Ballater had been in the cottage was just before Miss Marshall had been forced out of it by her rapacious relatives , backed up by the insensitive local general practitioner who agreed she could n't cope .
24 Rosemary said more or less the same thing to Leith when next she saw her , and Leith realised she could not interfere , but just be there when Rosemary needed a friend .
25 ‘ Once she realised she could n't move her head , she was literally sick from terror , ’ says Janet .
26 Once Phoebe had started playing chess regularly again she realised she could probably have become considerably better than him quite quickly , but she did not want that enough to work on it .
27 She took one step forward , then realized she could not go on .
28 A CHARGE of rape on a mentally handicapped girl was dropped yesterday after a judge ruled she could not give evidence against her alleged attacker .
29 Soused herring was the standard hospital breakfast and she declared she could n't stomach that at seven o clock in the morning .
30 She knew from pictures in the Book of Instruction clandestinely glimpsed in her father 's library what to expect , approximately ; and she had seen animals ; but exactly what happened she could not imagine .
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