Example sentences of "[vb past] as i be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , the first thing I noticed as I was going upstairs was one of Popova 's pictures with a bath-tub hanging over it …
2 I knew as I was doing it that I should n't be following them , through the snake-laced paths to the river in the moonlight , to the broken house with the pigeon tower : that shame would be the result — my shame , for I cared nothing what their feelings might be .
3 I did as I was bid and sat down again .
4 Similarly Fawn Hall , asked by North to alter memoranda to conceal his work for the contras , remembered feeling uneasy : ‘ but I believe in Colonel North , and I know that there must have been a good reason why he was asking me to do this , and I — I did as I was told . ’
5 I pulled my skirt up a little but he said he 'd have to see higher than that to make sure my legs were n't bowed at the knees so I did as I was told .
6 I did as I was told and flopped down on a chair , but it gradually got worse and worse , and I felt as if I was going to be sick .
7 I did as I was told , although I did go off it once , I confess , to watch a lad from Leeds ferreting for rabbits .
8 I did as I was told .
9 I did as I was told .
10 I did as I was told .
11 So being just do as your told , did as I was told and up we went , onto this crane overhead and the job was running up and down th er picking the boxes up , whatever the chappies want , the , and lowering them and doing exactly what they wanted .
12 Frankie appeared as I was filling the kettle and offered to do it for me .
13 The man standing behind her spoke as I was turning to walk away .
14 I learnt to sit formally at table and to eat three inedible courses of stodge with an incomprehensible array of surplus cutlery ; to whisper when I spoke as I was considered ‘ too loud ’ ; and to stop gesturing with my hands or to touch in conversation , as people inevitably shrank away from me .
15 you know just , just thoughts I had as I was reading through it as best I can remember them so er mm
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