Example sentences of "[vb past] as [conj] she have " in BNC.

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1 Polly jerked as though she had been slapped .
2 He had identified her body and yet behaved as though she had never really existed .
3 She closed her eyes and kept them closed for quite a while , and when she opened them again it seemed as though she had gathered herself together .
4 It seemed as though she had hardly done anything , it had all been so simple .
5 She nodded as though she had read my thoughts .
6 Reaching for a cup , her arm accidentally brushed his and she flinched as though she 'd been burned , which brought forth another acid comment .
7 He flinched as though she had struck him , and his face suffused with anger .
8 She felt as though she had touched something that was not quite of this world , the highest point of the heavens , the farthest star .
9 Emily felt as though she had been slapped in the face .
10 She felt as though she had regained consciousness in a hospital bed after some physical calamity , that because of injury and loss she must now map out a new existence for herself .
11 His blue-grey eyes were as cold as a Siberian winter , and Polly felt as though she had been impaled by twin icicles .
12 When he at last looked away from her , she felt as though she had been seared to the soul by the scathing dismissal in his eyes .
13 She felt as though she had been running forever .
14 For a fleeting instant she felt as though she had woken to find herself in the lair of a dangerous wild animal .
15 Isabel watched him vanish beneath the barbican and felt as though she had been abandoned to face the enemy without weapons or protection .
16 Their glances met , and for a moment Sara felt as though she had been swung out into space .
17 When at last they lay quietly , her head resting on Luke 's shoulder , her hand spread against the damp warmth of his skin , Fran felt as though she had come back from some great journey that had shifted her conception and understanding of everything .
18 I 'm completely in love with him , she thought , and felt as though she had fallen , finally , at his feet .
19 Now that she was back in one , it felt as though she 'd never been outside .
20 Even though she knew in her heart of hearts that this could never last , she felt as though she 'd reached a safe harbour after sailing in a vast , unfriendly sea .
21 Her wrist felt as though she 'd broken it , but she did n't wait to find out .
22 Linda Johnson felt as though she 'd been doing nothing but prepare for Christmas for months and was exhausted before it all began .
23 She felt as though she 'd been asleep for about five minutes !
24 It felt as though she 'd drifted into some dreamlike watery paradise .
25 After spending the better part of the morning crouched down painting skirting-boards , she felt as though she 'd been put through a mangle .
26 well I think Dawn is quite happy now , I mean I think she felt as though she 'd been rushed at first , but I mean
27 The iron grey , Tero , got by because her coat was almost black , but Maldita was so dazzlingly white , except for a sprinkling of rust-brown freckles on her belly , that she looked as though she 'd been through the car wash .
28 She looked as though she 'd been crying , and I felt sorry — ’
29 When I saw the negative it looked as though she had a dog 's head on her shoulders .
30 Over in the corner behind a gigantic desk sat this old bird who looked as though she had been there since Marie Stopes was pre-pubescent .
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