Example sentences of "[vb past] as [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 One of his hands closing over the slender curve of her hip made her lower body stir involuntarily , the increasing urgency of the gyrating movement explicit , both statement and summons , and Maria heard the harsh breath he drew as he absorbed it .
2 Her voice trembled as she said it .
3 When , in the last days of November , a telegram arrived she knew what it must contain and trembled as she held it in her hand .
4 ‘ I rescued your other shoe , ’ he added as he brought it out from behind his back .
5 Graham frowned as he passed it , partly at its loud white-lettered tyres and obtrusive styling , but partly because it reminded him of something ; something to do with Slater , with Sara even .
6 Newman frowned as he worked it out .
7 Eventually when the letter came in its blue envelope with the pious SAG printed across the seal , the hands so firm holding a gun or tool shook as he took it .
8 His hands shook as he held it .
9 He yawned as he did it , and banged about a bit , so I felt that I had to go .
10 Dolly cackled as she dropped it into her dustpan .
11 His eyes shone as he opened it and took out a gold watch covered in jewels .
12 Maxim wondered why he was n't more shocked at the instinctive distrust implied by that decision , and sighed as he realised it was because he 'd been nearly six months in the atmosphere of Whitehall .
13 She sighed as she realised it was a Californian bedroom , wooden floors and a window the length of one wall overlooking trees and a river , on a hilltop .
14 ‘ Must n't forget that , ’ he commented as he set it on the table and , with a glow of pride , Mildred walked away arm-in-arm with the two most important people at the celebrations , to have a proper old-fashioned tea by the nearest bonfire .
15 Gloria never sunbathed as she thought it was ageing ; she applied the same effect out of a bottle .
16 Jeff grinned as he said it .
17 It was glued in places by dried blood , and he flinched as she peeled it away .
18 Well I 've got to know , cos sort of adult as well , I mean you included as I mean it 's to put
19 Numbly , she followed him to the ladder at the back of the yacht , then watched as he ignored it and dived powerfully into the indigo water , his body slicing cleanly with hardly a splash before he struck out with a strong , fast crawl towards the far distant shore .
20 They watched as he took it , his face grey , his voice tight .
21 I took him in and watched as he studied it .
22 He stole a chicken from work , and I watched as he stuffed it and sewed it up with needle and thread in his girlfriend 's flat , frowning with ponderous alcoholic severity .
23 She pulled her jumper off and handed it to him , then watched as he spread it out and laid the dead animal on it .
24 He held out the glass and watched as she raised it gratefully to her lips .
25 ‘ Keep it ! ’ she blazed as he tossed it on to the terrace by the front door .
26 She was the first person I met when I joined the Waaf , and the last person I saw as I left it .
27 Talvi had grinned , his wolfish , loose , laughterless grin , and brought his chair up straight again , clamped his knees together , thrown back his shoulders with an emphasis that was , Caterina now felt as she pieced it together , insolent .
28 Susan exclaimed in horror , but the old man laughed as he slipped it into his pocket .
29 ( 1 ) — for the satisfying crack the CD 's sleeve gave as I snapped it over my knee .
30 It had happened by accident , almost , just buying the furniture he liked as he saw it , odd pieces here and there , and then choosing the carpet and curtains in the expensive London store where he had happened to be making inquiries about another crime .
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